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kARHu - Sinfonia For The Blunt Sword

Guest karhumusic

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Guest karhumusic

At last! Those years of nuclear bomb testing finally paid off - we're hereby releasing Sinfonia For The Blunt Sword. Yes, it took quite some time - all the music production and composition over the years drove us insane in the end. So here it is, our work of brutal beauty: It's possibly the soundtrack for taking your M1 Abrams on a lowride in your damned Metropolis before flipping it over your neighbor's SUV.


If you dig Ulver, Venetian Snares, Amon Tobin or classics like Philip Glass and Brian Eno, this might be for you!


Get it for free (CC) @ karhumusic.org , available as MP3, OGG, FLAC.


And yes, it is really good.

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Guest tht! tne

nice production values, sounds really great

i didn't dig the musical ideas as much

didn't really sound like venetian snares

i thought it would from your blurb

anyway someone will probably like this :braindance:

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Guest tyranthraxus

i like the programming. the guitar textures aren't really my thing, but that's just a personal preference. if there is a concept behind this you should include it in the download. a little context can make all the difference in the world.

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Guest karhumusic

Thanks for giving it a listen! The main idea was really to make an alternative soundtrack to Metropolis (having realized you have a thread about that as well is somehow weird from my perspective, heh). I did not post that info on the website since I thought it would somehow seem too intellectual and deter ppl from downloading/listening to it.


so long...

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  • 3 weeks later...

listening to the first movement now, very enjoyable! i like the smooth roll-y textures - are some of those distorted vocals? the mixture of orchestral textures is also nicely done, which is exceptionally rare.


i would indeed enjoy this on a long drive! thanks for posting. i hope this takes you far.


edit: entr'acte I is my favorite so far - brilliant mix of styles and textures. kcinsu take note!!

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