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some noodling IDM


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Guest skullfunked

I liked the all of the elements of this, but to me it lacked structure, I got a bit lost listening to it, in some parts the drums sounded a little random. I'm not sure how deliberate that is, as you've said its definately noodley.


Although only listening on headphones (hd25s) it sounded quite well mixed down. with a bit more structure & progression, and something distinctive (a more recognisable/memorable riff or drum pattern) I think this could be a really nice track :)

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your thoughts echo mine... the song definitely lacks structure. any particular portions of it that could/should be removed, or portions that could be repeated to add more structure?


i got lost in building too many sounds for this one and didn't really think much about structure.


the drum pattern has 3 major changes... but after the fact i went in and edited each bar so that there is not 1 pattern (apart from a couple of places) that repeats the same pattern. may have been overkill.


thanks much, both of your, for the listens and feedback.




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Guest the televisor

i liked the melodies and synth sounds i think you shoulda used more electronic drums instead of acoustic though

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thanks all, for the listens and the feedback.


have to give some of the recent posts a listen... been busy as heck lately with a move a loads of real person work.


yan_g, i've got your demo downloaded and am definitely going to give that a listen.


cheers all.



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