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is food getting more expensive where you live?

Guest my usernames always really suck

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i had to go on like a payment plan for my credit card (i owe under 1000$ so it's not so bad). the lady from my bank was asking me how much i spend on this that and the other. when she came to food i said "$200-$300 a month." she said, slightly started "where do you live??" and i said florida" and then she said "oh... yeah.."


so i guess FL food prices are pretty high as it is.


that's pretty cheap. $300 is less than $10 a day.

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Guest maantecaaa!!!

food is going up in price nearly everywhere. and once the economic system starts recovering we can expect to see EVERYTHING get alot more expensive due to inflation.



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Guest hahathhat
in general, it pisses me off how expensive it is to merely exist. i could sit at home, do nothing but wank for a year, and i'd probably wind up $20k in the hole. unnervingly close to slavery. you can't just build a cottage somewhere and live off the land... no, you have to buy the land, or rent it, pay yearly property taxes on it. you can't build what you want, you have to hire some contractor by law to make sure your fucking shack follows government regulations.... it goes on. really pisses me off, but i'm at a loss regarding what an appropriate response is.

I was just saying the same thing last night while watching the alaska experiment show on discovery... There's no more discovery to be had - you can't just venture out, find a plot of land, build a house, and live there, everything is taxed and government regulated, you simply cannot escape authority. And it never ends... for the rest of your life, government will have one eye on you and one hand in your pocket. I also recieved my social security statement yesterday, and I then realised my social security checks at age 70 won't be enough to pay for the property taxes on my house... There will never be financial freedom in this existence.


work ^ n

must work!


...and to top it all off, Colin Powell, a man I once have a good deal of respect for says "Americans do want to pay taxes for services" and "Americans are looking for more government in their life, not less." He couldn't be farther from the truth.


yes! it's funny, really, i don't actually want to go "frontier it". it just pisses me off that i couldn't if i wanted to!! kind of like how it's nice to be asked to go to a party, even if you say no. i like cable internet, chinese delivery, etc. etc. and i'm not a smash-the-system anarchy sort. i just resent being told what i can and can't do very, very much. it's kind of like in the matrix, most people will accept the system if you give them a choice... well, we're losing our freedom to choose fast. the fact that i'm penned in eats at me every day. no one allowed outside the walled garden...


the only reason this is not outright slavery is because, if you work hard and are very lucky, you can get enough of a nest egg to keep the assholes at bay for the remainder of your life... but it's difficult as fuck, and you'll still have to deal with some degree of crap for the rest of your life. :confused:


similar topic: companies have been getting patents for miscellaneous human genes, specifically ones related to cancer. no one is allowed to study them or make use of them without corporate authorization. i saw this on the news this morning, and it really pissed me off. this is relevant today because it will hold back cures for cancer. it is relevant tomorrow because in 20 years we may have the tech for biological noodling in our own homes... and again, it's not like i have any desire to study genes, it just pisses me off that i'm told i'm not allowed to!!

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