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my new full length release: Vampire State Building

Guest Tamas

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I decided to experiment with new ways of releasing music, so with this newest release I took advantage of Soundcloud's greatness and made this little site: www.VampireStateBuilding.com


You can also download the 11 track album off Mediafire in full quality (you can download each track individually off SoundCloud as well) right here


I sent some of these tracks to the WATMM group, but not all of them (to be honest I just sent the ones I liked most since I thought sending 11 tracks at once to the group would be silly lol), so yeah, it'd be great to hear feedback! I don't really tend to get any on here and it makes me sad, I know I haven't given criticism here in a while but if you give me some I promise I'll return the favour!


Thanks and I hope some of you enjoy it! =)

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I just finished listening to it and although i don't really like this type of stuff it sounds polished. Sounds grimy as well, or is that nasal... or are they 1 and the same... =) Untitled was my favourite track i think. Lot of work here, nice one.


For criticism, i think your synths are too loud sometimes.

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