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Bored at Work

Guest Gary C

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I haven't even looked into night-courses yet, but I think I could handle being an electrician. It seems to me to be a very logical process. Plumbing too, but that involves too many blocked drains and toilets.

I could do something more computer-based too, but with how often they evolve I know I don't care enough to keep up with it.


I have a degree in Media Writing, and that's pretty much what I'm doing now, just in a particularly boring and dead-end industry. I'm not adverse to doing a similar job to what I am now, I just want varied content and to be in a more creative department.


My girlfriend's family have just moved out to LA and are looking for things out there. I'd love to move, and everything about it would keep me fresh and interested for a few years, but I'd probably think my job is boring and shit again.


Freelance. Try elance.com, there are others too. You've got the experience and the skills, all you need to do is put together a portfolio and sell yourself well in your bio (I can help you with that, it's my job). I'll try and email you some stuff this week.


Even if it takes a year or two before you're making enough to quit the day job, just the fact that you're doing it for yourself (and earning a much better hourly rate) will make you feel better about your shit hand. And you can do FL stuff at your desk if it's a slow day.

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I'm signing up. I joined an 'edit-for-money' type site a few months ago, which I should probably keep up with too. But this looks more beneficial and respectable.

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