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Eduard Heis - "Upset dB"

Guest alteR ideM

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Guest alteR ideM



this is an example of me trying to break of of my normal patterns and write something "different" but to me all my stuff ends up sounding alike :) tell me what you guys think... i never know what to say about my own music. i don't want to sound like a pompous ass that thinks his music is better than everyone elses cuz i know its not.. this song is just an experiment. this is only the 3rd or 4th song ive shared on this site otherwise everything ive ever shared has been with firnds and family. people i know and have seen face to face, not the same as sharing with strangers... this was recorded sometime early dec 2010. i used the name "Eduard Heis" cuz it didn't sound like my usual _alteR _ideM stuff to me... enjoy.

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Guest alteR ideM



this is an example of me trying to break of of my normal patterns and write something "different" but to me all my stuff ends up sounding alike :) tell me what you guys think... i never know what to say about my own music. i don't want to sound like a pompous ass that thinks his music is better than everyone elses cuz i know its not.. this song is just an experiment. this is only the 3rd or 4th song ive shared on this site otherwise everything ive ever shared has been with firnds and family. people i know and have seen face to face, not the same as sharing with strangers... this was recorded sometime early dec 2010. i used the name "Eduard Heis" cuz it didn't sound like my usual _alteR _ideM stuff to me... enjoy.


if anyone ever wants to help promote me or play out/dj live somewhere (in the miodwest USA preferrably since i dont drive or have any money lol) hit me up and i'll help promote you, i dont have money but i always share music that i like with others and that can always lead to other things.

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