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Why I Hate people

Guest SecondaryCell

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Guest Calx Sherbet

faiths can breed some real pricks


How is that when atheists are the ones that have no faith?


Ye, people are going to be pricks no matter what. All they need is an opinion.


beliefs was the word i was lookin for

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Guest Calx Sherbet
you could say something as innocent as "god bless you" to one and they'd be like "thanks, even though there isn't one."


I've heard this little anecdote a few dozen times from a few dozen people, and I know a good plenty atheists online and offline.


None of them are like that. I would challenge you to find an atheist above the age of 15 which acts in this way.


i didn't know it was a common anecdote. they've all just seemed rude to me. online and offline. it's just they seem consistantly more asshole-ish. but with any group of people, i am aware that there a good eggs of course. not trying to over generalise

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Guest Calx Sherbet

faiths can breed some real pricks


How is that when atheists are the ones that have no faith?


apparently Calx Sherbet was trying to put a clever spin on things, saying that atheists are just as bad as people who are religious. a misfire to say the least


what? they can be!


and like i said, not all are bad. holy fuck you people are nitpicky with everything.

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you could say something as innocent as "god bless you" to one and they'd be like "thanks, even though there isn't one."


I've heard this little anecdote a few dozen times from a few dozen people, and I know a good plenty atheists online and offline.


None of them are like that. I would challenge you to find an atheist above the age of 15 which acts in this way.


i didn't know it was a common anecdote. they've all just seemed rude to me. online and offline. it's just they seem consistantly more asshole-ish. but with any group of people, i am aware that there a good eggs of course. not trying to over generalise

Probably because organized religion does its' damnedest to impede science (or any human progress for that matter). Instead of using societal advances to solve the worlds problems, they turn to a fictional book of short stories, bow to a dead man on a stick and ask an invisible guy in the sky for favors… …let alone the atrocities its members have caused for countless centuries (that are still ongoing today). Practitioners of organized religious beliefs should be viewed as delusional.



*edit: I admit, I'm rude "online and offline". :tongue:

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Guest morphis2525

this thread makes me :facepalm:


i'm glad i can say that "religion is ridiculous" where i live and not have to worry about some morality police coming and killing me. but really, as silly as it seems to me, organized religion has given billions of people on this planet some sense of purpose and peace. it's just so sad that the people on the fringes of any movement always seem to be the ones that make the most noise and therefore get the most attention. it doesn't make me angry, just a little bit disgusted when i see it. and yes, many terrible things have been done in the name of "our god" to the heathen unbeliever, but wars for political or economical motivations seem just as ludicrous to me as someone killing another over religious beliefs.


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