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Atlatls and Spears

Guest fiznuthian

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Guest fiznuthian

I'm going to either make a bone spear or atlatl and attempt to kill large local game..

I have came very close to deer while sprinting through the forest so I don't think it will take me very long to kill one at range. Some deer bolt quick but not all of them do, some folly or choose a dangerous path. I'm pretty sure I would feel obligated after my first kill to try every part of the animal worth eating, offal, organ, the works.. I've never ate much offal and have no idea what it tastes like. Is the stuff actually good or does it take some good cooking to bring to flavor?

If it tastes like shit i'll give up on killing and continue eating local market meat. Deer meat is delicious though, and I have no qualms about getting bloody to get some cheap. It sits easier on my conscience I think.

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