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Hermann's new track - Paranoia Kicks In

Guest Hermann

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Guest Hermann

So, this is a new track of mine, completed yesterday.

This track is called Paranoia Kicks In, and it is my portrayal of a sudden feeling of extreme worry or doubt or (obviously) paranoia. Bit of an unsubtle title maybe.

It was actually quite convenient that I felt a sudden sense of worry and doubt about this track half way through writing it as well, since I used a sample that I was afterwards told that is "one of the most over-used samples in electronica history". It's called the Amen break obivously if you didn´t notice it before. I'm actually still pretty much a newbie to the whole electronica culture so I wasn't aware of this, and I then felt a bit insecure about it, but I decided to finish it anyway and just not care about it. So here it is.


Sorry for the boring back-story there ;) felt it was needed here.



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