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BlackKnightAudio Sound Design

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Hi, I'm Joseph from BlackKnightAudio.


My company is currently selling Ableton Live/Reason Patches for producers, both the aspiring bedroom producer, and industry professionals alike. With 12 years sound design experience on multiple platforms both hardware and software, my company is offering the very best on custom sound design and synth patches.


All analogue patches are sampled from my extensive collection of analogue synths, providing a warm, rich fat sound. Each patch (either ableton or reason) uses the platforms native effects, so the sound is ready for use right out of the bocx, no need for third party plugin involvement. If you're not using the platforms mentioned, I am happy to send you velocity layered multisamples for use in your DAW of choice. Site is currently under construction and this is the very start of trading for my company, so any feedback or questions are appreciated.


I am offering a comprehensive aftersales service to help you implement these sounds effectivly in your compostions, and hope to be charging competitivly, with price changes once I've got a more apporpriate feel for my market.


I'm adding new patches for sale each week, and will post regul;ar updates.

Please take the time to visit the site and check out some of my sound design, at:




or contact me at Blackknightaudio1@gmail.com for any custom work you need doing, perha[ps you want a synth sound by your favourite artist recreated.


Thanks for the time to read this post, if I have posted in the incorrect section of this forum, my apologies to the moderators, no disrespect intended.

FM Drone.mp3

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This sure seems out of place here...


Being that this particular section of WATMM you decided to post in is largely centred around Feedback, I'd love to give you some!


It appears that you did not read over the stickied topics in this forum. They are pinned for a reason. Breaking forum rules and guidelines is not a good way to get positive attention for your product.

Second, it seems a bit slimy to me to join a forum, not post anywhere or get a feel for the community, and immediately try to sell something.


Thirdly, is your business email seriously blackknightaudio1@gmail.com? Rolls right off the tongue, doesn't it? There are many companies that offer a professional email address on the cheap. If you continue this business effort, perhaps it would be prudent to invest in a professional looking email address, sooner rather than later, as even if I was the type of pseudo-musician who was interested in buying presets rather than making my own, your unprofessional behaviour and email would have eliminated me from your potential customer base.


Have a great day!

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