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what annoys you the most right now

Guest skibby

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Guest skibby


We've all heard the word. 'Annoying' is word three in that sacred acronym. That which a person considers to be annoying is usually grounds for immediate dismissal by the attention gland. Words and signals that are difficult to interpret due to their incongruousness or otherwise obtuseness will usually result in a condition of mental fog in the reader, if this reader is already not predisposed to dismiss novel stimulus offhandedly. The definition of consciousness comes from the selective dismissal of what is determined irrelevant to the survival of an organism. This is why art and poetry are so special. They sort of add a flourish to the border between an individual's reality and the astonishing void-abyss. On occasion, a signal or linguistic message is all flourish and no communicated sense of awareness of common values. Annoyance could also be used for ulterior purposes, such as a distraction or hypnotic device. Each of us are bombarded with annoyances every day, especially in social media. These annoyances, if left untreated, can result in an acute reaction not limited to total mental breakdown.

Annoyance seems to be the biggest topic in that side of us who are jaded cynics, so I say 'have at you' and post what annoys you the most.


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Guest Barung

annoyance is necessary for creativity to come out imo, but it doesn't mix well with depression

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