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I'm making a new ambient track everyday this summer.

Entries in this blog

31 Days of Daily Ambient

So the first month of Daily Ambient is now complete. I have so far made 31 tracks. Not quite one each day, as it's been tough to keep up with a young kid. :) Anyways, if you like the previous things I've posted, head over and check out the new stuff!   dailyambient.com    



Week 2 of Daily Ambient

Here are the tracks from this past week. I finally was able to get the iTunes podcast setup, so if you're into that have a look! I'm getting quite some traffic on the site too which is exciting! I've discovered the magic of Reddit haha. r/ambientmusic and r/chillmusic are gold mines you guys should checkout. I've also made some tweaks and optimizations on the site, so it should load a bit faster now. Hurrah for jsmin. :p   Here's the podcast: on iTunes   Day 10 | Sands Shift http://wp.me/



Days 5 - 9

Sorry for not posting these on time. :p I did do them on time, I just didn't manage to also post them to Watmm.   I managed to get some hardware setup for these. :)   Enjoy!   Day 5 | Time Slips – Listen     Day 6 | New Growth – Listen       Day 7 | Movement in Wind – Listen       Day 8 | Submerged Civilization – Listen       Day 9 | Caught in a Torrent – Listen



Day 3 | Era Long Past

Click to Listen   Created With: Numerology Reaper MS2000 Valhalla Vintage Verb LA Convolver Permut8   Today's track is a bit intense. :) Enjoy!



New Directions – Developing a system for creative work

Creating something everyday is multifaceted challenge which presents a lot of opportunities, as well as hurdles. Some issues are easy to imagine, where as others appear only after a direction has been established. Based on last year's work I knew a few issues that present themselves in advance.   Last year I hosted the entire project on Tumblr, which I found out about halfway through was quite insufficient. It was simple enough, but there are issues with audio on Tumblr, and sometimes the artw



Day 1 | Soaking Rain

So I've start with Daily Ambient 2013!   The first day is here >> http://dailyambient.com/2013/06/01/day-1-soaking-rain/   It's been raining non-stop all day and I couldn't resist sticking the field recorder out on the window ledge for a bit. :)   I'll try to post each day here, but if you'd like to follow along on a different platform, here are a few I'm pushing to. https://twitter.com/dailyambient http://dailyambient.tumblr.com http://www.facebook.com/DailyAmbient ht



Daily Ambient starts again!

So again this year I will be creating a new ambient track every day. I'll be starting in June, which is really soon! I'm hosting the main project at www.dailyambient.com but I'll also post stuff here, as it seems a lot of people read the watmm blogs, and because I think you guys might enjoy it. :) I'll also be starting a podcast, and pushing everything to soundcloud, so I'll post those links once they are up as well.   I started this project last year as a way to push myself creatively, and



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