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Carmina Burana part 1 (movements 1-10)

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i really really like this.

reminds me a bit the walter carlos arrangements of beethoven's tracks in the clockwork orange ost.


the movement from 21:16 is brilliant.


the whole thing is weird and epic. mission accomplished

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I have just finished the rest of it, part 2


# II. In Taberna (In the Tavern)


* 11. Estuans interius

* 12. Olim lacus colueram

* 13. Ego sum abbas

* 14. In taberna quando sumus


# III. Cour d'amours (The Court of Love)


* 15. Amor volat undique

* 16. Dies, nox et omnia

* 17. Stetit puella

* 18. Circa mea pectora

* 19. Si puer cum puellula

* 20. Veni, veni, venias

* 21. In truitina

* 22. Tempus est iocundum

* 23. Dulcissime


# Blanziflor et Helena (Blanziflor and Helena)


* 24. Ave formosissima


# Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi (Fortune, Empress of the World)


* 25. O Fortuna (Fortune, Empress of the World)






its so epic and a persoanl goal that i wept at the end of it. it even has the finger bib synth in 4bit taking over as the voice from the 20th movement, Veni, veni, venias. i cant wait to release it. ^_^



i'll post it up tomorrow.

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