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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by triachus

  1. I think a bunch of Rephlex artists worked on the tracks. Or each track by a different artist?

    I'm very surprised that nobody mentioned how Backyard sounds very much like a Macc/dgHon track (or maybe someone/I already did but I forgot)







    The styles are very similair. I'm feeling the same vibe. Those rolling drums over an ambient sound...


    Well, it could just be me. But I wouldn't be surprised if they were involved, even for one track.

  2. rob: "Oi Sean, you know that WATMM forum?"

    sean: "What? Oh god, that... why?"

    rob: "Well, they think our Japanese bonus track title was directly inspired by them. And the artwork by.... Minecraft."

    sean: "Sigh. Who cares, let them think... No wait, we'll never hear the end of it!"

    rob: "Yeah. I'm afraid if things build up like this, it will lead to another--"

    sean: "Don't say it..."

    rob: "-- Photoshop thread."

    sean "Fuck. I... I... I think I need some lush pads now, Rob."

    rob: "Shhh. Robby will get you some padpad. Things are going to be just fine.

    sean: "I want to believe that's true....I WANT TO BELIEVE." *turns into kiosk and flies away*

  3. 18 (keyosc) *Bonus Track for Japan




    Sound design supreme particles countless number of fast music floating in the ocean of the Internet in an instant flurry of hazy. Beautiful soundscape forget about us I suddenly stood up and cut up beats, hardcore mad urge to dance among them and lead to a different dimension and perspective flew ぶっ distort space-time, those who listen.




    if you separate the ぶっ characters in google translate, you get 'Rather hump'

  4. The week I got into dub-reggea is the same week I got into noise. Don't know how that happened.

    I've been checking out this band called Skullflower for a while now. Up to late 80's-mid 90's they made this noisey-droney rock thing. Damn good. Then it turned into a one-man noise project. Also damn good:






    In 2003 Matthew Bower revived it as a one man project, taking it to a more noisey direction.




    something that can be described as deconstructed black metal? :



    and in the latest album he goes flat out harsh


    And he has a whole other noise-y projects going on. Just check his Discogs. I'm still digging into that. Nothing too harsh at first listens, still interesting.




    Via Skullflower I bumped into the power electronics of Ramleh. I consider their album Hole In The Heart to be fucking beautiful.










    If anyone knows something similair like this, say it NOW. I need it.

    Too bad Ramleh decided to drop the power electronics and go for a more rock oriented sound in the 90's. In 2009 they seemed to have picked up the noise again.







    So those are my "first" encounters in the world of noise. I've always dabbled in it a bit, but now it somehow clicked. I'm still (relatively) new to this, so I need guidance/recommendations. I've already gotten my hands on some few random Whitehouse, Prurient, C.C.C.C., and Merzbow (dear lord, that discography) but I haven't given them any decent listens yet (one can still advice me on those).

  5. Sweet. Just got into Dub recently.


    Already checked out some stuff by Scientist, King Tubby, Prince Jammy and Augustus Pablo,


    Will be keeping an eye out on this thread.



    I've put this one on quite a few times:



  6. Yeah, I should have done more effort for YJY UX, sorry.



    17. YJY UX



    Due to an over abundance of seemingly sketchy looking gibberish links i'm afraid to click, I have done an in-depth image search and now I'm pretty damn sure the track somehow refers to this picture of Picasso taking a bath.








  7. In-depth analysis on what the tracknames might mean/refer to:



    1. FLeure



    At first glance you might think "Autechre naming a track simply 'flower'? That's very pretty! I'm feeling all kinds of fuzzy inside." Wrong! Ae sometimes refer to obscure shit. One can be pretty sure that the capitalized FL refers to a relatively unknown program they use to make their music, named Fruity Loops.



    2. irlite (get 0)



    According to google: "IRLite is a tool by Tony Marona that converts AMX IRL (IR Library) to a .text file that contains hex (pronto) codes". With the 'get 0' part, ae asks to get 0 copies of that program. It's an anti-advertisement saying you shouldn't use it, perhaps ruining Tony's program career this way. Not sure if that's legal.



    03. prac-f





    Yeah, I didn't watch the video either. Let's assume the answer is in there and that we won't under stand it/it's about voodoo magic.


    04. jatevee C






    jäte (“waste”) +‎ vesi (“water”)




    1. sewage, wastewater



    stay classy, ae



    05. T ess xi








    functional thermal underwear with silverfresh anti-bacterial material, 3D knitting technology, moisture controlling thermal channels and a super soft fabric


    If that quote isn't IDM then the genre is truly dead.




    06. vekoS












    07. Flep



    This led me to a page where one person was speaking in what seems to be autechre tracktitles


    Welcome to TATI0NS W0LD.. Rmbr kip it real !!.....flep,nazz & maish....Tee le efeh




    Who is this? Why is this? Ae know.



    08. tuinorizn



    "Tuin" is Dutch for garden, and by my guessing "orizn" means "you try and pull something out of your ass for this one" in ancient Aramaic.


    09. bladelores





    fuck yeah


    10. 1 1 is



    track 10 having an identity crisis, thinking he's 11.


    11. nodezsh



    track 11 refuting track 10's claims, saying "no, this is". Both tracks are related to Dolan.



    12. runrepik




    13. spl9




    plants! i guess


    14. cloudline



    That's very pretty! I'm feeling all kinds of fuzzy inside.


    15. deco Loc











    16. recks on




    reck (rebreve.gifk)

    tr. & intr.v. recked, reck·ing, recks
    To take heed of or to have caution.


    recks on! = be careful!




    17. YJY UX



    Or perhaps the tracknames don't really mean anything at all. Huh. How about that.




    And the album title of course:









    album title speculation time:





    Yup. "Exai" = phonetic iteration of Roman numeral "XI", meaning it's Ae's 11th LP.



    called it first, woo



    I was super-excited at first at the announcement, because I first read 2 hours and 32 minutes of music, in stead of seconds


    I'm still super-excited but with that slightly disappointed feel you know? FML.

  9. I couldn't sleep and kept thinking about the dupstep incident so I just opened this thread, vented, and left to sleep.


    But by doing so I had rudely ignored an incredible story and enraged somebody.






    But my boorish inconsideration has lead to a new Snares album, so it's all good.




    BCM, I have read and now aknowledge your anecdote. 7.6/10 Might read again.

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