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Posts posted by Sprillian

  1. Brrrrr. Still drunk at 9am.

    I faintly remember my dad trying to teach me some line dancing whilst having a surprisingly animated conversation about chicken. The dancing didn't go too well, he was more interested in showing off his "moves" than teaching. I knew it was time for bed when I decided to shed light on the irony of said father - who is very right wing - merrily leaping about the kitchen to Irish songs about oppression from us English snakes.


    struggle to listen from start to finish, but there are at least 8 or 9 great tracks on this,would have made 2 awesome ep,s! no denying i find some of the tracks a bit bland

    Absolutely this. I always put it on after a few months break and think after a few tracks - 'Woah, this is excellent - why don't I listen to it more'.

    This is how I am with BOC in general; I listen to them and think "This is nice, I should listen to BOC more often." And then a few months go by, and the cycle continues.



    Just got home after a twelve hour shift overseeing my shop's stock take. It's 2am and I'm due back at work at 8am.

    These particular stock counters were absolutely fucking awful as well.

    On the plus side, my taxi driver didn't have a pen to write me a receipt so gave me blank one, so at least I can claim back a few extra quid from petty cash for my trouble.

    Sprillian, this sounds completely abhorrent. I have done these stock count things in the past where the stock takers have been a bunch of bastards and I've had a late finish, only to get up early the next day to go back there after being up late counting their shit. I got measly wages for it as well (this was 2003 and i got time and a half). The company was a well known electrical retailer. I know them as Cuntys.

    They were so lazy, and inaccurate. I like to think if I was a stock taker, I would be the most efficient, accurate one around, but they just didn't give a shit. Didn't get paid any more for doing it either.









    god, I hate all-day rain. fuck off, already.

    lol don't come to Vancouver in the winter then.

    what about Montreal?

    Besides all the quebecois, it's a fine place.

    lol ikr. literally every Quebecois person I've known or met has been a super anal proto-hipster. it's in their blood or something.

    Friend of mine from Vancouver went to Montreal to study, I fear she has turned this way also.

  4. Just got home after a twelve hour shift overseeing my shop's stock take. It's 2am and I'm due back at work at 8am.

    These particular stock counters were absolutely fucking awful as well.

    On the plus side, my taxi driver didn't have a pen to write me a receipt so gave me blank one, so at least I can claim back a few extra quid from petty cash for my trouble.

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