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Posts posted by Morpheus


    I'm glad you started this thread, because I feel a little less bad about a shameless plug:




    The shirts are very soft and high quality. Also, type in the discount code WATMM at checkout for 2 bucks off each shirt. So that should come to $15 a shirt.




    do you only ship to north america or am I doing something wrong


    Oh shit yeah sorry. I'm trying to figure out how to ship outside of North America. What country in particular if you don't mind me asking? I'll try to get this sorted out soon.



     I like how you transition your colours LARRY. Especially from the last batch. It's not to my taste too much, but still i thought the designs and the way you rendered them was pretty cool, if you understand what i mean.


    Thanks, I use alot of paint thinner and a big brush to do the blends. Oil paint makes gradients fun.



    Yah, beautiful gradients, yo.  The graphic elements with gradients looks great!  If I had extra extra extra money I'd ask if "It Was Raining Stars" was for sale (cuz it'd cost like $400 extra just to send it over), because it's a nice piece but also that horizontal-line type flaw in the center is some sort of juxtaposition of smooth/flat and *gash*, which I suppose life is sort of like.  Because life is not perfect, but it can still be beautiful.



    thanks! about that flaw - that horizontal line is the result of poor/cracked priming of the canvas. It's good to hear it doesn't ruin the piece. I've convinced myself I'm ok with it at this point.

  3.  I like how you transition your colours LARRY. Especially from the last batch. It's not to my taste too much, but still i thought the designs and the way you rendered them was pretty cool, if you understand what i mean.


    Thanks, I use alot of paint thinner and a big brush to do the blends. Oil paint makes gradients fun.

  4. Very nice isumber, especially the first photo(s).

    I haven't posted in this thread in a loooong time so here are some paintings from the past few years. Sorry it's not "recent"! All oil on canvas:



    Warm Cloud Dawn - 39.5" x 51"



    Cloud Religion  - 30" x 32"



    It Was Raining Stars  - 54" x 41"




    In the Clearing - 24" x 18.5"

  5. ^^^ dope


    Lately still been diggin Vince Staples a lot.


    Open Mike Eagle has some great tracks, really clever lyrics




    I've also been listening to a lot of Open Mike Eagle recently. I really like his lyrics and delivery, but I feel like the production/beats on the albums sometimes leaves something to be desired. But his latest album is really a step up in that department - really really solid, not a single skippable track on there.


  6. i'm very tempted to start meditating and incorporate it into my daily schedule...just wondering if there is any difference in meditating at the beginning, half-way, late part of the day? In my head, i'd love to have it as an early morning thing I do after I wake up - but then i might still be so sleepy and tired that I'll just zone out to sleep rather then meditating...thoughts?


    Also - i live in the city and my bedroom has terrible noise cancellation from the busy streets outside - would it make sense to try have some ambience/white noise type sound playing in order to remove the distraction factor...or would it be beneficial in trying to develop a meditation 'callus'?

    I have been meditating for a few years now, sporadically though (a few days on, a few days off, etc.) I would probably benefit from sticking to it a little more and do it every day... anyway I have found though when first starting, if you are really tired, it might make more sense to sleep or rest for a bit instead of meditating (or following the breath until you fall asleep), then try sitting in mediation when you aren't completely exhausted. Once you do it a few more times, you'll quickly better know what works for you.


    As for outside noises and distractions, unless its painfully loud, try to just sit with it. Adding more white noise might lull you to sleep. Trying to block out distracting stimuli is a losing game in meditation... even in a silent room you'll notice other sounds, and your thoughts, etc. But the nice part is, once you stop trying to block out certain noises or thoughts, they aren't as bothersome. And the sounds can even help bring you to the present if your mind wanders off.


    Btw it might also be different depending on what kind of meditation practice you are into. I started with mindfulness meditation (see the link that kiani posted at the beginning of the thread), and then I got into zen meditation (if you are interested, the book 3 pillars of zen is a solid background/how-to).

  7. Wow aencre, that is some seriously impressive stuff, great colors + line. Theres so much bland hipster-kitsch/threadless/movieposter illustration floating around the internet, its so good to see some illustration that is legit/good/moving/original.


    I've been working on large oil paintings the past few months:

    Silent Source, 53" x 70"


    Air Bloom, 42" x 44"


    Stump, 48" x 54"


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