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Posts posted by reapersquush

  1. I yelled like a little girl when I saw the scratch intro from the Windowlicker video was included, only to find out its basically cut right out of the music video with the voice-overs dicked around with in between the track. I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but I've always desperately wanted the solely instrumental version of the scratch intro. Wonder if it was an artistic choice to publish it this way, or rich maybe just lost the original recording and tried to find a compromise...?

  2. CHEETAHT2 [Ld spectrum] on repeat since release. You really can't listen to this track (or any of them for that matter) through the streaming previews on Bleep to even get close to all the nice details hidden in the fidelity.

  3. Am I the only one who's missing the point of this collaborative effort? It reminds of that one South Park episode where this group of hippies organise a music festival to fight the big bad corporations by smoking weed and playing music all day. It's a nice gesture, but in the end it seems completely self-indulgent.

  4. Though I really love this album, I do have to agree with some of you that the overal compressed aesthetic can be a bit harsh on the ears and it seems to lack some soul. In retrospect the Metz recording of xmas sounds utterly mind-blowing to me because of the heavy reverb, which I thought at the time was part of the track, but now it seems it was just the spacial reverb produced at the venue itself. I really had to get used to the Syro mix of this track because none of the sounds are allowed the 'breathe' the way they could and it dampens the the impact of the song somewhat.

  5. The pre-Syro days just dawned on me, when WATMM was filled with wild speculation whenever an unknown release or artist would surface who even slightly resembled one of Rich's many styles. Heck! I listened to the 'Metz Track' bootleg recording so much, that by the time it came out on Syro, my brain initially rejected it's studio quality goodness. ( The lack of reverb I was used to with that trackwas quite jarring ) Now we have three new records, an auctioned LP and a shit ton of achieved material by the man himself. Oh, how times have changed.



    who gives a shit how old/new stuff is just wish he'd release anything soon


    ye. making HEAPS of music + sitting on it gives good perspective for what's good and what's shit. (or, in afx case, what's good and what's amazing).


    the soundcloud really shifted my perception on the dudes music.

    the released albums are all so perfect and finely put together and it really gave this guy the aura of being some music god.


    the soundcloud kind of shifted that and removed the god status. now he just seems like a guy who's super into making music as much as possible (and happens to make really, really, really, really, really good stuff).


    so yes. i don't see the point in bringing up the new/old tracks point all the time. sitting on old tracks just means when they are finally released they'll be released in a good and proper context (much prefer something i can put on and listen to as opposed to a mish mash of songs).



    +1 shows that he's got where he has because of hard work, love for music and not just great talent.


    Had a very similar experience early on. The thing is that I actually like his music that much more now, because besides his official releases still being no less amazing, the SC dump has also given us a small peek into his creative processes.



    Also, why isn't this topic pinned any longer? It's not lik there is a new album on the way.


    That's what you think ;)


    I assumed AFX and Aphex Twin are treated as separate aliases, as are the releases connected to each alias. Why else would people complain "Aphex Twin hasn't released anything since 2001" despite Analord.

  8. This is my third time revisiting the album since it's release. It really becomes better and better as time passes. There's so many little nuances to every track, I'm still picking up on things I didn't notice before. This record will age like wine, just like Drukqs.


    Also, why isn't this topic pinned any longer? It's not lik there is a new album on the way.

  9. I read allot of you raving about how superb this collection of 'unrealised' works from AFX is, but a large portion of the SC tracks aren't that great imo. Some of them are amazing, but to me it's just a handful of them. There are many good tracks, but there are also allot that make me go "meh...whatever"


    However, I consider all these tracks as a whole are an amazing insight into his creative process. Even the tracks I don't really like, collectively have given me so much insight in the way he experiments with music. That's what is so valuable, not to mention inspirational about this SC dump, but I can definitly see why he might consider allot of these to not be release worthy in a proper sense.


    What if RDJ is terminally ill and this dump is his last tittle gift to the world before his imminent demise.


    Jesus christ dude get a fucking grip


    Sorry mate, I'm just paranoid like that. Before Syro's announcement I had a recurring fear that RDJ was planning a come-back, only to die in a traffic accident right before he could launch it. :cry:

  11. Just played some XMAS_EVET10 [120][thanaton3 mix] with some nice headphones on while walking home from work.

    That fucking track, man. Still couldn't' believe I was listening to the famous 'Metz' Track in all it's original studio recording glory. :')

  12. Just found out that 'hilo' is a fucking amazing track. Love it.


    Maybe this question is a bit redundant, but where can I find a master upload of all the tracks released so far with the best available quality? Downloaded an older one when the total upload number was around 50 + and in shitty 128.

    Tracks 1-112: https://mega.co.nz/#...tQMCdUvGb50gguI

    Tracks 113-152: https://mega.co.nz/#...UpiGZd85f8-8B68

    Tracks 153-157: https://mega.co.nz/#...kDdyqiPnUwfr-7M


    Dank u!




    That's odd. When I follow one of the three links I get redirected to the general upload page on MEGA instead. Tried three different browsers. Could MEGA be glitching atm?

  13. Jesus christ, this is amazing. For years it was so quiet around him. I remember how much I was into the whole Tuss speculation during the Myspace days. Now we have a new album, a new EP en tons of ( probably ) older work.


    I get the feeling AFX somehow had a change of heart and decided to share allot of his hidden gems with the people who appreciate them.


    "No, it 'll never all come out"


    But but thanks for everything that does! :aphexsign:

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