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Dorian Mode

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Posts posted by Dorian Mode

  1. I LOLled hard when The Donald was elected.


    Internally it was a big Fuck You  to part of the establshment, externally it told the Truth of America to the World. No more slick and smooth window dressing a la Obama. The Donald truly is the proverbial Ugly American.


    BEsides he had some good ideas in his campaign, too bad he turned out to be Hillary-in-Drag/Obama-in-Whiteface, Bibi's butt boy and a marionet of the Neo-Cons.

  2.  ... just realized that I have bought more Miles Davis albums than albums by any other artists ....


    so ... as a soft landing to "Electric Miles", this record that also bought serves well I think, and it's totally not Loops plus isolated themes, but done with piety and respect to the originals, remixed with 100% analog gear. like bass enhancement done with analog "frequency splitter" if memory serves ...




  3. De gustibus non est disputandum ...



    The science behind food pairing: Why do pineapple and blue cheese taste so great together?








    the two things I don't want on my pizza ....



    blue cheese is something my body strongly tells it's not even food but rotten or poison ...





  4. talking about de Palma -- I recently watched Verhoeven's "Basic Instinct" ... I had avoided it for some reasons but then I saw it classified as a "neo noir" and thought that as a Noir fan I'm kind of obliged to see it ... well, more than noirish, it struck me as a de Palma Hitchcockian movie ...


    ridiculous, "mathematical" plot with symmetries and reversals,  and boring softcore porn scenes one had to fast forward, but  I guess de Palma fans might like it. some nice cinematography and  dreamy score in classic style

  5. The Conversation is  indeed a great 70s paranoid classic .... also it can be seen as related to 60s Antonioni's Blow Up and de Palma's 80s Blow Out .... or did I get names wrong? It could be an interesting maraton session to watch them all three back to back

  6. i think i it's rather obvious that the pseudoleftist, post modern indentity politics is a neoliberalist strategy to prevent class based coalitions and politics ....


    "we need to empower  the left handed community",  in truth, there is no left handed community or tranny community, they are just aggregate sets.or statistics..



    Hillary said: Does breaking up the banks help us to get any more Black lesbians in wheelchairs in corporate boards ...



    so instead of tackling structural inequalities these retarded "communities" get their token represantation in elite positions but other wise everything stays the same


    Have u seen this?  Classic





    thanks for the tip ... 


    Both Pakula and Frankenheimer made "paranoiac trilogy" Fankenheimer  "The Manchurian Candidate" ,"Seven days in may", "Seconds"


    Pakula: Klute, The PArallax View, All the Presidents Men ...



    Seven Days of May and All the Presidents Men   I'm gonna watch next I think.



    "Seconds" is truely a great and creeepy and disturbing movie BTW ...



    from a user review



    "Seconds" is a fascinating and engrossing realistic fantasy tale that deals with the question of the identity and above all, the exploration of madness symbolized by the search of material happiness and the search of eternal youth which leads to the most claustrophobic fate. ... The innovative and the post-expressionist cinematography of James Wong Howe (the use of the 9.7 mm fish-eye lens, extreme chiaroscuro, tilted low angle shots, hand-held camera shots) combined with the stylish graphic work of Saul Bass and a cold, taut and harsh music of Jerry Goldsmith makes it like a Faustian tragedy with a Kafkaesque approach. The whole film is about distortion. The twisted vision of the main character trapped in his own nightmarish world, full of "re-borns" and "employees". But the real nightmare is the dreary routine of his existence. ... Perhaps, the best film directed by John Frankenheimer and the best paranoiac film ever created. "Classic" is a weak word to define this masterpiece of modern terror. "Seconds" is the last film of the John Frankenheimer's paranoiac trilogy, without forgetting : "The Manchurian Candidate" and "Seven days in may".





  8. I've been looking in to 70s paranoia, films like Three Days of Condor, Klute, The Parallax View Three Days of Condor (6.5 / 10) reminds me of another film by the same director, Network, in that both have interesting and fascinating stuff in them but the whole is so,ewat less than the parts ... especially the director seem to lack experience or understanding of relations between men and women, the romantic element is very crappy ---



    THe PArallax View (9/ 10)-- unexpectedly ( to me) strong, done in "formalist" manner like a cross between Kubrick and Hitchcock, striking cinematography, an excellent unsettling score ... feast for the senses -- ART








    Klute (9/10).: same cinematographer and composer as above, plus Jane Fonda's great, convincing performance as a high class call girl/hooker






    Sly & Robbie meet Nils Petter Molvaer ... Warsaw Summer Jazz Days (2015)




    Sly Dunbar - drums,
    Robbie Shakespeare - bass,
    Nils Petter Molvaer - trumpet,
    Eivind Aarset - guitar,
    Vladislav Delay - percussion, keyboards, sampling.




    I wasn't familiar with the guitarist Eivind Aarset, other wise it was what one couild expect, groove or riddim based jams, Vladislave delay does live sampling and dubby FX ... pleasant, more head bobbing tha chin stroking stuff ... Robbie sings occasionally for intros and outros, hilariously even Another Brick In the Wall ...


    guitarist plays textural stuff instead of "shredding", thats nice, Nils Petter uses effects and plays simple lines that occasionally sound pretty much like borrowing from Miles Davis ...



    nice stuff, good sound, some live imperfections add excitement, heh

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