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Dorian Mode

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Posts posted by Dorian Mode

  1. A genius billionaire, a technology mogul lays on a hospital bed, dying from lung cancer, when a time traveller from the future materializes in to the room.


    The time traveller explains that it is extremely important that the tycoon won't die just now, therefore they need to take a time travel trip to the past and the Tycoon has to convince his younger self not to start smoking cigarettes ...



    Lady in the Lake

    correct ... have you seen the movie or did you solve it from the clues and doing (re)search?

    I saw it ages ago, so I still needed the clue to bring it to mind.


    I remenber it as a kind of silly but entertaining movie ... like when a hot woman passes by, Marlowe's gaze follows her ... and when Marlowe is crawling on the ground we see his arms slowly pulling, left, right, left, right ...



    "Dark Passage" with Bogart in it uses the same device until the hero gets a new face ... that's altogether a better movie I'd say


    based on a true story ...





    these are too easy, Dead Ringers.




    all right mr knows-it-all ... here's one for you to figure out ... are you as a detective as hardcore as Henry to solve this riddle?






    U trollin bruh


    it looks 60s, kind of artistic (B&W), woman looks disturbed or psycho ..., 60s B&W art movies with a woman with mental health issues ... I managed to guess it right, just by having some knowledge of the director's ouvre not even sure if I ever saw this movie ... looking the image info in my browser confirmed my guess ...

  5. Such a pleasing rock tune. The rest of this album is good too!



    intro reminded me some XTC tunes from the record "Drums & Wires", like these two:




    Pingpack sounds more relaxed and laidback though -- XTC was suffering from the after effects of "Punk" , playing a bit too fast, shouting too much etc to me liking ... like Andy Partridege never really learn to sing naturally isntead of sounding like someone is choking him and he is struggling ...

  6. I watched two films by Canadian director Villeneuf , Enemy and Prisoners, both were very good and both had strikingly excellent endings.



    I saw the Prisoners first ... I didn't know what expect, it seemed very naturalistic, and real, events seemed to be random and disconnected like in real life, but then pieces start to fall in their places ... I had become emotionally involved to the extent that I started to think oh shit are they going to go for "dark, pessimistic" ending, I'd rather take a cheesy happy end instead .... but it was just perfect!




    Enemy apparently has confused some viewers, but there is rather simple "Freudian" reading that fits like a glove ...




    the truth maybe hard to accept, because it can be seen as "misogynic" and non-PC ...



    In Freudian dream analysis, the Spider represents the Devouring Mother,




    and there is this thing about marriage ....





    Are they?



    is that a rhetorical question?


    I stumbled on to that video while drunk and thought this is great, but obviously, it's a joke, made from Staying Alive vocal stems, even Youtube has that vocal track, although drowned in reverb


    as a joke at least it does not not overstay it's welcome ...


    while the melody in Giant Steps is simple the chord progression is strange and baffled the contemporaries according to what i've read; nowadays jazz players are supposed to be able to solo over those chords in their dreams but if one listens to the original recording one can hear that the pianist doesn't really get going an effortless flow ...


    in contrast what is often thought Coltrane's jazz isn't just or primarily about taking drugs and then going with the feeling, there was more thinking and method instead of just madness ... but of course the theory and thinking are like ladder later to be set aside ... ok i'm sorry if i'm not making sense, English is my second or third language



    yeah that would be pretty cool. i can imagine rich spent a lot of his time avoiding those cliched synth sounds as they were just boring before people found ways to use them in a cool hip post ironic way. so i wonder what his thoughts are on people being obsessed with the sorts of kitschy stock music synth tones that would have been very unhip in his days back in the 90s


    Haha totally! I kinda thought the same thing a few times. With his usage of digital warping though and all his abilities with FM synthesis, I almost feel like Rich might have also figured why toy with digital preset stock sounds when he can create whole new worlds so easily? Then again, there is something charming in itself about stock sounds and midi.. Actually, come to think of it, his Melodies From Mars unreleased lp is probably more vaporwave than anything in the genre :D



    agreed, I would think RDJ is in to sounds and tones as sounds per se, not because of the ironic connotations

  9. GEnre; Hip Hop

    i feel these two are amusing to watch back to back because they are so different:

    I have no idea what Scott Storch have produced, beside this beat, and I wonder does it really happen in the real time or how much of it is edited together fake playback producing video, anyway one cannot deny that the man's got the chops, maybe too much keyboard skills cos some runs are like superfluous fingers going thru motions ....


    and here is Apollo Brown, who instead of high end MIDI hardware setup uses Cool Edit Pro and WinXP .. i've used Cool Edit Pro and it had a multitrack mode but it looks like Apollo puts the beat together in the wave editor mode ... can it really be?


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