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Posts posted by richhipster

  1. I guess my story's cool because it can be relived right now. You'll see what I mean.


    This was 2002/2003. I was mad about Aphex Twin's Druqks at the time (that's still my favourite of his) and I wanted to find more music like that.


    I found a website called 'Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music' (http://techno.org/electronic-music-guide/)


    While exploring it, I clicked 'Jungle' -- clicked 'IDM' (lower left corner) -- in the IDM section, I encountered Autechre in loop number 2, which is a loop from Acroyear2. The same loop is still there in the same place.


    I was instantly crazy for it because I couldn't quite work it out - whether it had a start or end, or where those things were, or where the upbeats or downbeats were.


    I went to Red Eye records here in Sydney, went to the electronic section, found a tab for Autechre and picked up the front CD to buy, which was the just-released Draft 7:30. That's probably still my favourite Autechre record today.



    Draft 7.30 was the first Autechre album I bought.


    I was introduced to Aphex Twin & Infected Mushroom in 2001 which sparked my interest in electronic music. I saw Autechre's name pop up in a few places whilst searching the net so I grabbed the first CD I saw with their name on it.


    Metal head here too. \m/

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