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Posts posted by whosebrian


    Yesterday morning there was some free facebook promotion offer for one of my band pages.  Thought I'd try it out, since I p much never promote anything.  By default it selected some totally useless post, so I changed that to one that actually features something worth promoting.  Today we get a comment along the lines of "fuck you get yr shit off my page" and it's under the useless post.  I also see the $ value of the promotion is like 3 times greater than the amount offered by the proposal.  Not sure where that's getting charged.  But it's for an old post we don't even want anyone seeing at this point.  What the goddamn fuck.  Anyway, moral of the story is don't promote anything ever.



    i once promoted a release on FB and the label.  went through all this crap and selected the demographic info and had a budget of like $75 or something.  it was pretty useless.  i think if i did that again i'd do it on instagram instead but i won't do it again because i don't want to support FB and i'm waiting patiently for the opportunity to quit that shit. 


    i think i'm gonna go watch that FB special on Frontline or whatever it was show on PBS.. "The Facebook Dilemma" to reinforce the "quit that shit" vibe i've had lately. 


    anyway.. i found the process of placing an ad on FB to be a clusterfuck. 


    My wife finally left FB after watching that.

  2. ROGER-STONE-tweet-on-PODESTA-Aug-21-2016


    There's also the phrase 'your turn in the barrel'. Meaning your turn to do a difficult or unpleasant task.

    Believed to come from the (probably apocryphal) Naval practice of one man getting into a barrel while at sea and placing his bunghole in aligment with said barrel's bunghole so that all the other sailors can relieve their frustrations.





    Administration officials have expressed deep disappointment with China’s response to Mr. Trump’s pressure so far, characterizing it as a list of proposals, transmitted in Chinese, which they say would do little to curb China’s theft of American technology or address its other predatory trade practices.


    But Mr. Trump has signaled a new willingness to make a deal with Mr. Xi, a leader he has treated solicitously and will meet over dinner on Saturday in Buenos Aires, after a summit meeting of leaders of the Group of 20 industrialized nations.


    The gyrations in the stock market, the rise in interest rates and thousands of layoffs announced by General Motors this week have all rattled Mr. Trump, officials said, fueling his desire to emerge from his meal with Mr. Xi with something he can claim as a victory.


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