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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by plisb

  1. Also just finished this video of a really cold but very beautiful day, when me and a friend took a de-tour around town before the usual snow cannon-check, just because the weather was so damn nice! Some awesome shots of thin ice breaking, and small paths forming in the river.

  2. Got some great shots at this weekend's competition at our local hill. Good vibes among the visitors too.
    Amazing what good lighting plus accurate WB can do - as maybe 5-6 of the shots during the more sunny parts, are 100% raw from camera (only using a custom picture style):


    Also a good sample of how the mood is set to music - started off as a mainsteram Ke$ha edit (thought that ppl might connect with that easily) but ended up with Todd Terje's playful (and soulful) music instead.

  3. Was snowboarding last night and fell and hit my head & chest hard, so I fainted and dreamt about walking around in an american grocery store feeling awesome, taking mtv-fish eye-long steps (early busta rhymes/missy elliot style) and pointing at stuff etc. Then when I woke up I had been out around 15 seconds according to my friend - something that had felt like several minutes. Was shocking and strangely pleasing.

  4. Girl who tried to strangle a friend of mine turned into a cat and dj'ed my face. 2 weeks ago. Crazy lady dat.



    more details please

    Basically us walking by some arguing girls when the hotel party closed, and they tell us to stfu as we walked by (we were waiting for a friend who got delayed). Then my friend shook her head at one of the girls indicating that she thought they were acting stupid, and one of the girls walks up to my friend who gets jumped with this crazy attack strangle grab. I grab the crazy girl by the shoulders and move her like 2 meters telling her, like you tell a little child (she was 19 maybe), to calm the fuck down, and a second later someone (supposedly her sister) grabs me from behind and I cover my head. All of a sudden I feel someone ripping my face but I dunno who it actually was. Quite scared then lol.

    Not a big matter atm but seriously, who the fuck acts out their hate like that - meaning both cases, of the sudden crazy strangling thing of my friend plus the cat claws in my face. People are scary.

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