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Posts posted by Trent

  1. There's some outstanding work in this thread. My small contributions (literally);


    Of course it's a matter of scale;






    What can I say... I've always been a nerd. ?

    I also paint bigger stuff. One time I decided to paint part of the the kitchen wall, much to my wife's abject horror





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  2. The single with the three tracks is now live on Spotify, iTunes, Amazon Music, Pandora, Youtube Music, and most other streaming platforms now if you prefer a different streaming platform than Soundcloud.

    I had enough fun with this, that I'll be working over the winter on a full length release. It will also be a mix of digital and analog, trying to blur the boundaries between the two. I'm building out on a new recording studio in central Illinois, this winter, to work out of and to help other local area musicians with a place to practice, work on music, and master; so that should help keep things fresh, lively, and interesting.

    Anyway, again, hope you enjoy. ?


  3. New to the board, been a ghost on here for a while following along with some of the releases. 

    I've been an analog player for a couple decades, but finally got bored out of my skull during quarantine this summer and put together a single with a few tracks of synth. 

    Hope you enjoy, was fun making them and learning new things that took me outside the box. 

    The first track, Mental Prison, was an attempt to blend synth and metal in a way that would describe the frame of mind I was in waking up to the same day over and over this year. As I flirted with the downward spiral of depression, I tried to channel that feeling in to this track. Because every day seemed to blend together all year during quarantine I wanted the analog electric guitar and synth phrasing to flow seamlessly from one another, until the climax of the song when you can't barely tell which is which - much like how one day passed in to another during this dreadful shitty year.


    The second track, Signals, is a walk back through time. It focuses on strict timing and harmonic layering (in c minor) to create a soundstage to convey the concept of the exchange of ideas from one to another. Sometimes the ideas flow from one mind to another flawlessly, other times they are distorted and the concept is lost. What is important, is that we try to communicate, and don't give up.

    The last track is darker, and asks what part of our humanity new generations are giving up as we continue to evolve as a society and withdraw from each other. If you have sub 40hz speakers you'll hear the heartbeat at the end finally give way to silence. This was tagged on to the single as I liked the overall feeling of the track, and I figure on a future remix that does it justice as my technical skills progress with time.

    Anyway, looking for feedback and / or criticism. I first bought gear on August 17, and started teaching myself keyboard - prior to that I'd only played guitar as a hobby. This is the first time I'd ever attempted to put down any recordings. Would love to hear back any thoughts on the good, bad, or ugly. 

    Either way, hope you enjoy this first effort of mine, and thanks for giving it a listen!


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