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Posts posted by ShemS76

  1. I've been considering getting Komplete soon, but there's been a bit of a shake-up at NI with the leadership changes and the merger with iZotope. Dropping Absynth might make some sense business wise, but publicly it concerns people like me.

    There have been a LOT of mergers and acquisitions lately in the world, not necessarily in the musical business world but all over. And the common thread amongst all of these are unnecessarily throwing away products and features so that they can cut out employees to make more profits. Twitter, and Time Warner - Discovery, are the big ones but there are plenty that don't make headlines. 

    This is especially popular here in the US where the new CEO is located. So maybe, in fear of paying for something that is going to be unsupported in two years, I'll just wait to see what happens. 

  2. IMHO, I think this country is currently five days away from seeing if the Constitution is still valid. It'll answer the question "can we still have fair, honest, open elections?" Given the "big lie," the 1/6/20 insurrection, and SCOTUS rewriting all of previously settled law, I'm quite nervous. 

    Fortunately I live in a state that could fairly easily become it's own sovereign nation. And if the "south rises again!" they can just have it. Let's see how well they can survive without the tax influx from our "elitist states." Anyone with any knowledge of our tax system will tell you the revenue from the big blue states is outright paying for the federal services of the red ones.

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  3. I just finished the most recent chapter of "The Dragon Prince." It actually gave me a chance to explain the early music 'Viol' family of instruments. If you watch it, you'll know what I'm talking about. 

    The whole series is a fun watch. Tonight is going to be all the new dubbed episodes of "One Piece" which is honestly the closest thing I have to a religion nowadays. 

  4. I literally joined this forum to completely geek out on this question. In the earliest days of electronic and experimental music the term used was "musique concrete." This turned into avant-garde, or experimental music. 

    The term was used to describe the use of recorded sounds, essentially music that comes from working with static materials to create a piece. Like carving a statue, the finished product was recorded and once again set in stone, never to be altered. 

    Thanks to the technology of today, these same techniques have grown to include the ability to make a fully dynamic performance of materials with live production techniques. Performances can include all the same materials as their recorded counterparts but could be altered at will by a skilled performer. 

    With this concept I'd like to throw the term 'Musique Plastique' into the ring. Plastics can be flexible or more solid depending on what is used to make it, or how it is treated during its creation. Not only that but it's French and pretentious to boot! 

    OK sorry for being the new guy and writing a thesis, but the music nerd in me has not had many outlets with people who even might know what their talking about. 


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