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Posts posted by drempels

  1. On 5/31/2023 at 11:37 AM, xyrofen said:

    Hi Benn.


    Actually saw him at a show and he was super pleasant. Came into the audience afterwards, since he was opening, and mingled with people.

    I'm actually not Benn.

    After I posted that, I kind of felt bad about being so negative about him. He does have my respect for being so productive with his YouTube channel and just never backing down.

    He does seem pleasant.

  2. The Flashbulb is living evidence that if you just incessantly spit game, self-promote and never, ever back down, you can achieve some level of perceived celebrity, regardless of how little talent you actually have. And I think BJ pisses some people off because they know they've got more talent, but they lack the ego/time/resources necessary to shamelessly self-promote like BJ does, so they end up resenting him for his success.

    I actually can't think of an artist where the ratio of "celebrity" to "talent" is more out of whack than with the flashbulb. Early Com Truise, maybe.

    I've never seen a more punchable face, his silly perma-grin makes me uncomfortable. He just thinks he's the coolest thing on the planet. He has two tattoos of his own logo on his arms. His music is almost offensively bad for how grossly self-aggrandizing and lacking in humility he is. He's not that great of a drum programmer. He's not that great of a keyboardist. He tries way too hard.

    I'd like to hear him make a tune with just ONE SINGLE TRACK that's actually quality. instead of arranging these fantastic symphonies of sub-par quality. his piano albums are impossible to listen to due to the quantization, which rather than adding to the tracks, just makes them sound lazy.

    On his blog and website he carries himself like he's much more famous, important, and talented than he actually is.

    but honestly it's mostly just the perma-grin.


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