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A Reggae Lee Bowyer

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Posts posted by A Reggae Lee Bowyer

  1. I've always thought that magicians ruin their own acts by doing all that fancy trickery with cards. The showy shuffling and shit. When I see that it just tells me that this is someone who clearly dedicates crazy time to practice.

    If they were to come out and be totally fucking cack handed and shit then suddenly their head vanishes and reappears out of their japs eye I would think that was real magic. Instead of just thinking oh he's obviously practiced that head from the japs thing for years.

  2. 100 this week. It's mental to think of people still knocking about today who have lived through the last 10 decades. I'm 35 and frequently feel like checking out early. I can't take 100 years of this fucking shit. Fuck no.

  3. Every time i see new post im like oh god, just not clint!


    He is one of many big names surely due very soon. I imagine a lot of aging stars are shitting themselves this year. No pun intended.

    atty, clint, dylan, brucie..


    Actually as much as I love dear old Brucie, I will not be at all surprised to find out after he dies that he was some kind of megapedo. Something don't seem quite right with him anyway. Hope not.

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