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Guest version2006

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Guest Captain Cooper

I'm sure I will, but I'll laugh much heartier if I can have that sleng teng riddim mate, I'd forgotten all about it :laughing:

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Guest version2006

oi! That was my girlfriend hijacking my account! trust me, you would laugh because I am no one in particular (outside of the decibel drag racing circuit)... :omg:


Ahh Sleng Teng! when I get home I'll yousendit to you.

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Guest version2006

ok, so the instrumental I have is missing the cheesey piano line but the drums and bass are there. Mos def old sounding. I'll hand out the link tonight.


Let's all have some good, clean fun.

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Guest version2006

there's two versions, the resurrection and the orig


the orig is just a dub (I doubt it's Jammy, tho)


let's have a go at it then.

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