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bin a minnit

Guest pantsonmyhead

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Guest JW Modestburns

Nice job with the sounds. this track made me realize just how bad my latest tracks' EQing is.


I'm kinda partial on the main synth line that becomes prominent around 1min in, otherwise i enjoyed this.

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Really enjoyed the way this built towards the end, surprising, makes the first half sound subtle in comparison, some good cutting skills here and an interesting middle to high end sound, liked the lack of bass, kept it quite gamey and different.

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the production skills are good but as a track it didnt grab me.

I'd have to agree with that. I think Orange Dust used to do this kinda of cut up hip hop/funk well. Are all these edits yours or are you using glitch fx 'cause otherwise sounds like lot of effort has gone into it. I personally felt the whole glitchness of it was overkill. Not to say this is at all bad but the tune itself didn't particularly grabbed me or make want to go for a 2nd listen. Sorry.

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found the synth lines annoying. they shouldn't last more than 2 bars imo. not enough variation harmonywise for my taste. some of the chorused/phased sounds seem too loud in the mix too. not my cup of tea, so maybe my criticism is just missing the point, sorry :/

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