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a NEARLY finished track...

Guest silencide

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Guest silencide

Hi guys ;)


Here is the link to a nearly finished track of mine:

silencide - digital mystic

the strange thing for me is the weight of the nearly in the topic title.

sequence is OK for me, but there's still too much treble I think.

Please give me your opinion on sound, sequence, mix...



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sounds shit on my system (low meds too loud, or high lows) - sounds definitely much better on your system than on mine (which is yours too by the way :wink: ). love the breakdown.

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yeah that breakdown is sick. I think the treblyness works for the goofy energetic digital vibe the track has. the aformentioned chip tune reference point. I dunno, I mean you probably want to mix it more, im not listening on the best system, but it sounds like you pretty much have it.

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