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couple of new tunes on soundclick

Guest kid hideous

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Guest tht! tne

i liked goldust but i'm not sure about the dynamics of sampling someone saying "African American" in a breakcore track

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Guest kid hideous

i've had that dilema before, same with using homophobic dancehall singers


also with pictures of nazis and other stuff.


i don't like censoring myself


but on the other hand i spose it doesn't add anything to the track really....


glad you liked it tho :)

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Guest tht! tne
i spose it doesn't add anything to the track really....


well it's good for shock value

like in the enduser track bounty drilla it says "shootin' African Americans in they face"

which provokes an interesting melange of emotions

of course i had heard that bounty killer track before hearing the enduser track so i wasn't authentically surprised

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Guest kid hideous

i spend a sunny day sitting inside programming beats i don't want a cuss word to be the main thing

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