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L.ooking for a Mini Midi Keyboard / Trigger

Guest sysex

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Guest sysex

I'm looking for any information on ultra-mini midi controllers.


Basically I have a desktop synth I use near my bed. It only has a midi input, however there is no trigger/audition button built in, so I can't trigger any notes without some midi or usb device plugged into it.


I was able to set it up with a 20ft USB cable running out of Live 7, and being controlled by my iPhone ITM, which allowed me to have a wireless midi trigger, but I don't really want a 20ft usb cable running through the middle of my room all the time.


Has anyone heard of or seen an extremely small midi device that just sends a single note on/off message?


Ideally if I could invent it, it would be keychain size with a 5pin din output, operate on 1 AAA battery and be the size of a finger. (*ideally*)


The nanoKey would be pretty much perfect, except it's usb only.


I basically want to stay away from any of the more common midi controllers out there that are 2 octaves with knobs n sliders n such.


Any suggestions or links would be much appreciated... I've been googling this for a while and thought someone here might have looked at or seen something that might fit my description.





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Guest sysex
Do you have some sort of disability?




actually, at the moment I do. Sprained my left ankle and right leg. But that's beside the point. It's not that I'm lazy, cause I sit on my ass in front of a computer nearly 24/7 already multitasking like a madman. I just figured it would be really nice to take the desktop synth into bed with me for some synthy-time before I pass out or just some drowsy sound design.


It's more for convenience than anything. It's a long shot, but i'm also not opposed to a diy kit, If I knew of some decent resources to make such a device.

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Guest hahathhat

from what i hear the eyris is a tite-ass mofo


let me know if you get one so i can be jealous

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