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fred knows things

Guest Helper ET

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Guest Helper ET

we all wonder


yet we wait


fred wont spill the beans


he has a reason


we dont care


we just want the beans


if we look at why we want the beans, we will find what fred has found


therefor, look at the fred within you, and you will find fred

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Guest Rambo

recent pm off fred


i know what you did last summer


some time later


i still know what you did last summer
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Guest Rambo

oh and also ET, you are literally the most annoying pm'er ever. You send me a message and your inbox is always full. So i don't know what you are expecting. My extensive combat skills can't circumvent a full inbox.

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Guest Helper ET

oh and also Rambo, i have decided that you are so far from enlightenment, that not only have you not found it, you try to take down everyone else around you who is trying to find it themselves...in some misguided journey towards false enlightenment. when ET2 comes along, do nature a favor, and maybe just keep quiet for a while, rather than pretend you know what it is, and lead the searcher on some wild goose chase which leads to nowhere except trying to decipher meaning about ubuntu OS and spirituality beads. im onto you you dirty fuck! get the fuck away from me! dont come back until youve got something useful to contribute!



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Guest Helper ET

ya everyone does things in the summer...blah blah blah, big deal, eat your cookie


but what does fred do?

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