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Bill Could Mean Jail For Internet Flamers

Guest Iain C

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Guest Iain C

Thank God I got away with a three-day suspension...


A cyberbullying bill introduced last month has the potential to put half the Internet behind bars.


The Megan Meier Cyberbullying Prevention Act is Congress’ response to the 2006 suicide of a 13-year-old girl who was harassed on MySpace. The bill makes electronic communication a felony if “the intent is to coerce, intimidate, harass, or cause substantial emotional distress to a person.”


Congressmen probably aren’t the most Web-savvy bunch, but anyone familiar with trolling, flaming, and various other forms of online bullying could see a problem with this bill.


Network World examines the bill and explains this new breed of Internet criminal:


Given the freewheeling exchanges that characterize everything from SMS text messages and instant messaging to blogs and Web site comments, the broadly written bill potentially could turn a lot of flamers and bloggers into felons.




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Guest Rambo

I didn't read the article but just wanted to say that i'm delighted that those queers will soon be brought to justice!

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