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Does anyone have

Chris Moss Acid

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there going for £20 in the local hmv 14 films (psycho comes with 2 discs)


1. Vertigo

2. The Birds

3. Rear Window

4. Marnie

5. Frenzy

6. Topaz

7. The Trouble With Harry

8. Torn Curtain

9. Psycho: Special Edition (includes the Bonus disc the Hitchcock legacy)

10. Family Plot

11. Saboteur

12. Shadow Of A Doubt

13. The Man Who Knew Too Much

14. Rope




only problem people say is the ratio is crap on some of the films. anyone got this and wanna tell me if its good value?

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Guest Great Maker ShaiHulud

The aspect ratio is incorrect on some of the Hitchcock DVDs, not sure about the ones in the OP.


I've rented some that have been fucking cropped to widescreen, and I think I've seen some pan&scan.


Also, the DVD of Rope looks like it was dubbed off a VHS copy of a master that had been run over by a car several times. Plus the soundtrack was completely fucked up.

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