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Dream/sleep talk

Guest joshier

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I had a dream last night where I was in some place where people did all sorts of stuff. It was a building, but I remember calling it a fair. I think my family was there too. This dream was long, and all sorts of shit happened. The only stuff from there that stood out was when I fucked some tan MILF-like woman and other girls. I remember leaving the buliding, and then it was like I left that dream.

In this other dream I was walking and talking to some girl on a sidewalk at night in a bright city. She was a brunette with nice eyes. We were talking about how that was a dream within a dream or some shit. I remember asking her if I actually fucked the women, and she said I did. We were getting friendly, and went into a burger restaurant. There were alot of tables and in the far right corner were the registers. There were alot of red neon lights, and it was a bright, warm place. The girl suddenly flipped over the counter like someone had flipped her over it. She got up with a bloody nose. She was all dizzy and holding her head. The guy at the register was saying stuff. But all I felt was mad because I couldn't fuck the girl. I then woke up.


In another dream I had recently, I was walking around outside the houses near mine on the other side of a big fence. It was dark. I went in one. There was a black family; a dad, daughter, and a son, both teens. I was talking to them, I think I wanted to go into their attic. There were small stairs and woody walls. There were bright, yellow like, hanging bulbs. I had to crawl. It went up alot. There were more and more webs as I went up, and then bones. There was scary music starting to play. I got to the top and there were dead bodies. They were so fucking scary, and the music was so terrifying. I felt like the bodies would move. I was yelling and running down the stairs, basically rolling down them. I got down, and the family looked at me like I was crazy and I just pointed, ran and breathed deeply. I got outside and felt unsafe and scared. Then I woke up.



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