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Has anyone here ever...

Guest tbio2007

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joyrex do you know what the domino effect is? when the master domino falls it sets into motion a ripple effect of many dominos falling at once. this is basically what i have done to ruin your shit forums. wonder why you havent been able to make a nice home page? well thats beccause of me. because i proved you're garbage.



let's go back to 2006 when i first joined your forums. nice homepage, updated news, everything. well you didnt know it then but i hacked your server and i uploaded a virus. i ruined your webpage joyrex and theres nothing you can do about it because youre trash.


well now its 2009 and theres nothing on your page theres no reason for ppl to join your forums your just a spec of dust on this great internet while im a master of the art form. goodbye joyrex, dust in the wind, no future.


no future for joyrex his forums collapse into a puff of dust, explode into a pile not unlike 9-11 our countrys great mystery. wow -- pure garbage you are. your children are ashamed -- not even a good web designer my friend.


well im here now i got root control over your server -- oh whats this ??? pictures of your nude wife 0n the serveR? lol.. well lets just say i wont reveal them... yet. unless you unban me. the balls in your court joyrex. lets see how you mishandle it like a typical white.


lets fight. lets fight like men oh wait your a puss behind your crt monitor. well thats enough for now, the flames in this post must burn your skin 3rd degree.




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Guest Adjective

what a disappointment, i saw that there were 2 pages for this thread and there was boxing discussion... i thought there would be some cool stories coming and then bam! watmm

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