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Food / Restaurant review video blogs

Guest mrcopyandpaste

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Guest mrcopyandpaste

I love watching people talk about tasty food. That cheeseburger one someone posted a couple of months ago was amazing.

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sorry 4 delay


Yeah, here's da cheezborger show again: http://www.vimeo.com/user1210813


This one is fantastic, Sky Full Of Bacon, local to where I live:


Just found this YouTube playlist called 'Kitchen World,' looks interesting and like what you're after: http://www.youtube.com/watch_videos?video_ids=p2iuOf76BSg,ZvFVvxTRMqU,47qgz4ToBfE,tyjfqUYodZw,FpWKe_DptFA,-CSQdhXPxPo,_JuFJYOJiS0,b5ROqjpEdmA,D6CLoRuvGcY,EzuIfjNlEu8,Jf4hkNKlU_k,kwPF44E1iHc,Ta1wUzMhQN8,c0Iunob7NAE,yhB_Beh36ss,l_QtPF_MB0A,XeLBa53CI9E,j3aIBdrjtd8,AgIRoormnMM,zDEUuxiax14&type=3&more_url=



<3, encey

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