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Bombring - Resurrect Chang

Guest maus

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so there was this band "bombring" on the last p168 go-around.


turns out that bombring has recorded a full-length LP due out in august, and they have released a video for the first single, "resurrect chang".


when i say "they", i mean "me and some other guys".


of note is the fact that one of our members is the guy who sang the theme song to the recent battlestar galactica series. that's true.


anyway, the video is here:




apparently vimeo videos don't embed... but youtube sucks, so there we are.


anyway, it's kinda catchy. it's also very tongue-in-cheek. but also not. but then, it is.


and it's also not.


the album will be free when it's released. and there will be a couple more videos before the end of the year.



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