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the noisy intro goes on too long, the high-pitched figure is too repetitive, the drums sound outdated, and the arpeggios are uninteresting... bad track

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the noisy intro goes on too long, the high-pitched figure is too repetitive, the drums sound outdated, and the arpeggios are uninteresting... bad track


There are too many posts, they aren't interesting and attitude sucks. Bad WATMMr.

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the noisy intro goes on too long, the high-pitched figure is too repetitive, the drums sound outdated, and the arpeggios are uninteresting... bad track


There are too many posts, they aren't interesting and attitude sucks. Bad WATMMr.


how about lead by example

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boring as hell when the pads come in. gets even worse @ 4:47, next the filter sweep! would the track really suffer from more variations in the chord sequence? this is so repetitive and heard a thousand times before!

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It wasn't too bad, I sat through it happily enough. Lose the noise at the beginning though, it's got that horrible digital sound to it and it has too narrow a frequency range so it just comes across as uniform and repetitive which is not what you want from a noise intro I would imagine. Your noise needs to more lively and random, it lacks the energy and depth that you need to make it an interesting listening environment. With noise you want to try and create a physical space in which the listener can get lost, it is a very dynamic sonic tool with which to compose, but you have to use it properly otherwise it comes across as trite and forced.


Maybe try to bring more life into the first section by utilising different kinds of noise, or maybe some dreaded feedback, you just need to open up the sound a little more and stay away from looping a pretty small "noisy" section, it creates a stasis which can be an interesting element, but in this track just drags on. The stasis should be a jumping point for different elements to work around, possibly something improvised? Anything that will create a richer listening environment, perhaps just some sustained sounds, or events that occur once and act as markers in the progression of the song.


As for the rest of the song, I don't know, I don't do music.



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