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Any paintballers here?

Guest Fishtank

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Guest Fishtank

So my buddy works at a paintball place and the owner decided to bow out and left everything to him so now he's tasked me with creating marketing material and revamping the webpage. I'd like to get some ideas on how to best market his new venture. I know he has the lowest prices around but it's not very well known and the location is poor because the small 2 lane road the business lies on is almost always backed up but I don't think moving the business is an option at this point.

I haven't played myself so I don't know too much about it, any suggestions would be appreciated!

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Guest Franklin

you for def. play it and start marketing after that. paintball is a complete rush. i only like to play at places that are large forests basically. i've only played twice but think about it often.

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Guest fiznuthian

paintball is something i would do every day of my life if i could..

those balls fucking HURT sometimes if they get you in the right spot,

only to get your adrenaline rolling hard. like franklin said, its an insane blood pumping rush.


does the field have speedball obstacles? if so, advertise that you do speedball matches.. people go nuts over speedball.

if there's woods, publish that too.. there's people completely loyal to forest fields.


then there's the weekend warriors who love to rent a decent gun, balls, hopper, mask, etc.. for the folks who own zero gear.

if your friend has nice loadouts he can offer these type of people make sure you advertise ONE price and make it reasonable.

the fields i've played at had 15 dollar fees for gun/mask/etc and then a bag of balls for 10 bucks.

as long as people didn't go trigger happy that was enough for an entire days worth of paintballing.


people also enjoy themes.. like capture the flag, attack/defend, king of the castle, free for alls,

and my personal favorite (at my local field) was a game type where the owner set a massive paintball cannon in the middle of the field.

the goal was for each team to make it to the cannon and press the button, after which it would shoot a fucking huge lob of paintballs towards the other team's base.

i loved it because it gave me the opportunity to play without a weapon and run straight for the cannon 5-10 minutes in.. they never expected it and it worked 9 times out of 10. i can really get off on that shit, having 15-20 people firing automatic markers at me as i'm zig zagging through the fields.. god damn, i need to play again NOW.

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