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Android Tablets

Guest El_Chemso

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Guest El_Chemso

No, I've just begun learning. I'm in the second semester of classes at the city college. So far ive taken intro to java, intro to HTML,, and intro to unix. This semester I'm taking the next level of java, the next level off HTML/XHTML, and a class called software engineering which goes over the process of how software is developed from first idea all the way to release and support. Learning a LOT in that class. The teacher is kind of introducing us to the Ruby programming language for the purposes of the class. It's crazy efficient. I really like java though... So far it all makes sense. I'm also grading homework for the intro java class this semester. It's a good way to solidify my own knowledge! There is an android class being offered in the fall which I am going to take (same prof from the software engineering class which makes me happy). By December I'll have a certificate in Java, and then I can take the official oracle/java programmer test. Id like to do more self studying on android but it's just not possible with my schedule (full time job in addition to all of that^ no days off at all). Anyways, yeah, I really dig programming. It's fun and I get it, and there is job potential there. Kind of wish I'd have gotten into it earlier!


I'm also in my second semester of a full time Computer Science course and have done similar things to you. Done unix, C, Arm Processor (the chip that runs the smartphones), some advance maths and algorithms. Also just started the same sort of things you have, just begun java and html and software engineering. And there is an app class coming up too!


Java seems like a really good language and its peppered about in different forms as well, in Java script and Actionscript which seem similar but aren't the same so I think like you I'd like to concentrate on really mastering java.

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Guest El_Chemso

Just saw a link on a british site saying the Zoom has been confirmed by Carphone warehouse at £750+. Thats crazy talk! I could buy a whole other computer for that.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest El_Chemso

I'm not buying on at the momment for a few reasons. One its a terrible time to buy, they can only get cheaper. 2 The are only 1 model that you can buy at the moment that ticks all the boxes, dual core, honeycomb large screen, and thats the Xoom. And 3 because they are so expensive. They must be off their heads, I could buy an amazing laptop for what one of these Xooms is going to cost.

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You'd have to have lots of patience for waiting for a cheaper android-tablet that isn't complete crap. The entire component market looks like it will be dominated by Apple for the next years. So any cheap tablet not made by Apple will probably be crap. Believe it or not, but in the tablet market Apple is actually in the lower prized market.

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Guest El_Chemso

You'd have to have lots of patience for waiting for a cheaper android-tablet that isn't complete crap. The entire component market looks like it will be dominated by Apple for the next years. So any cheap tablet not made by Apple will probably be crap. Believe it or not, but in the tablet market Apple is actually in the lower prized market.


That's not the reason Android tablets can't compete right now, Apple has there own R&D dept so they don't pay royalties to other manufactures like the android tablets, they have their own OS so again no payment to google, and then they don't have to have a cut go to the distributors as they have their own stores. They also continue to make money after the sale through the market whereas the maker of the android tablet does not.


Reviews are saying that the ipad2 is a bit weak like not as much new stuff as promised and that the Xoom is far better. But its impossible to believe as there so much brand loyalty it juts depends who you speak to. Personally for me I'd be happy with a cheap old ipad for what I want but I'd prefer a android tablet just for continuity sake.

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don't mean to troll this thread, but after last week's Apple announcement... i'm not really impressed by the new iPad's features... but they certainly delivered the point of being in the position of delivering a refined, polished product complete with an actual software infrastructure while other companies can not do this yet...


and it certainly is remarkable how they managed to undercut everyone else in terms of pricing while at the same time offering the most "complete" device (think in terms of user trust, the fact that your mom gets it, and how they figured out to outright own the mp3 player market).


so.. probably another year until there are Android slates worth considering?

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Guest inteeliguntdesign

After owning a HTC desire, I'm really in love with Android 2.2. I wouldn't mind a tablet version. That is, when the prices drop. I don't have the money to be a first adopter.


Also, I do read PDFs fairly well on my HTC at the moment. The Reflow option is brilliant, if not always perfect. I generally read the text on the phone, but revert to my laptop to look at the diagrams etc. It displays pictures well enough.


Not sure about reading long articles on the web though. Not really tried. I think the web browsers have reflow too, though?

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Guest inteeliguntdesign

No, iOS is objective-c.


I'm also learning java, and want to apply that to android development. Big reason for me to jump the ship on iOS.


i've been learning java for several months (i tend to code in inform these days). By now, i think I master every aspect of java's syntax (except enums - deprecated. and some bizarre boolean shits.). I'm far from being confortable with code design (production and analysis) as i'm self taught, so i tend to code in a lazy and anarchic way. But i'd be glad to help you : i spent a considerable amount of time geTING FUCKING MAD over silly errors, so if i can prevent you from going bongo bongo in your head, I'd be relieved. Don't expect me to be able to resolve every problem you might encounter, but i might be able to quickly find solutions for a couples stuffs. Just PenisMassage me so that we share our IM coordinates.

Also, have a look at the java bytecode with (from memory): javap YourClass. It's interesting and demystifies a lot of things

And don't try understanding programming books too hard. They'll make a lot more sense later, when you know the language.


Hey, I'm coding in Java too. For the android. I've created one Android App with Flash for mobile. Now I'm doing it pure android, AS WE SPEAK.


I know Java, but I haven't practiced in a while, and things have changed since I did it 5 or so years ago.


Shall I set up a coding forum for us to learn together? *fires up some PMs*

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Guest El_Chemso

so.. probably another year until there are Android slates worth considering?


I don't think it will be that long, and Win7 tablets are slated (see what I did there) for around Autumn time.


There's already talk of Motorola dropping prices to try to match the ipad.

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Guest Ominous

I'm going to wait as well until the Toshiba and Lenovo tablets are out. The Toshiba one has a lot of useful ports and the Lenovo one has a dock that turns it into a Windows laptop.

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