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Guest Dirty Protest

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Guest Dirty Protest

Yesterday my computer stared emitting a rancid burnt smell then turned itself off, figured it was the PSU, so I got a new one today. When I plugged it in I got a message saying 'computer fan error, turn off in 15 seconds' and since then nothing happens at all when I turn it on. Im about to buy myself a new processor, which also means a new motherboard (this has pretty much taken all the cash I have, so if its the GPU im going to fucking wreck the place). So the question is, if I connect a harddrive with an OS on it to the new motherboard will it boot, or is ther a bunch of references to device controllers that will stop it? Cant really afford to lose whats on it with a fresh install. Advance cheers for the help.



Writing this from a laptop. I fucking hate laptops.

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it will probably bluescreen due to base system driver incompatibilities unless it's exactly the same as your old motherboard.

you can obviously connect your old drive as a slave just to get the data off, but booting from it isn't looking good.


btw if it was a GPU error you'd get glitching and corruption on screen even at boot, so more than likely that's not it.

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Guest Dirty Protest

Cheers thats what I assumed, but ive never tried it. Have another drive but its got about 400GB of music on it and about a TB of space, but im scared of putting an OS on it, incase I fuck up =). Ultimately it'll be a good thing when theres a better system, but at the minute its a massive pain in the arse.

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