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iPhone tracks your movements

Guest Coalbucket PI

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GORDO got what I meant. As said in the quote, we're actively giving up our privacy for convenience. Add to that the thousands of of CC cameras recording public spaces, RFID, etc. Privacy isn't completely dead, and what I said is a bit of hyperbole, but it is becoming a thinner and thinner line. I agree with your statement about needing to fight for what little privacy we have left and applaud you if you're personally taking action.


Individual law enforcement people or people in positions of authority that want to abuse them can cause damage to single or groups of people.

The problem i see is that once we've crossed a certain line, most of western society will be totally used to the 'chilling effect' of knowing that their privacy is being violated. Using the chilling effect in such a way to prevent people from doing bad things i think is where the real psychological damage is done.


I also remember stating in that thread that i'm a very private person.


you did, which is why i'm surprised you have these notions about privacy. I find it very interesting

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Guest Scrambled Ears

hopefully someday we'll just get on with the whole human farse and stop being ashamed of ourselves


yes because wanting privacy means you are ashamed of yourself. :facepalm:


didn't say that, but it shouldn't be dismissed as a possibility either. Either way as was already pointed out, we are the ones who subscribe to these services/gadgets and then act surprised when they reveal and suspend information concerning the users. everything is a push/pull and it would be folly not to come to expect that the privacy of the masses comes second to a company's marginal gain from tailored advertisements/services etc. that's how these things exist in the first place after all.


you could always just live on an island, keep your cash in a flowerpot, and communicate with carrier pigeons

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hopefully someday we'll just get on with the whole human farse and stop being ashamed of ourselves


yes because wanting privacy means you are ashamed of yourself. :facepalm:


didn't say that, but it shouldn't be dismissed as a possibility either. Either way as was already pointed out, we are the ones who subscribe to these services/gadgets and then act surprised when they reveal and suspend information concerning the users. everything is a push/pull and it would be folly not to come to expect that the privacy of the masses comes second to a company's marginal gain from tailored advertisements/services etc. that's how these things exist in the first place after all.

you could always just live on an island, keep your cash in a flowerpot, and communicate with carrier pigeons


sure everything you said is true, but are you saying that people who don't like it or opt into any of these modern gadgets should keep their mouth shut about it? I mean i ask because i don't really understand where you are coming from, obviously a companies monetary gain is more important than a customers privacy, but if no one spoke out about it and everyone stayed quiet and acquiescent these companies would have absolutely nothing stopping them from going farther.

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