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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

I know the Main Stream Media does not report on some things. I know this because I have seen things myself and then checked the news and no coverage. I also know this because I have watched stuff happen on livestream/ustream that have not been reported either. At first i thought it was perhaps not news worthy but then I realize they are talking about some quip that romney made as a top story and realize the news is not news worthy.


the last thing that made me wonder this was the occupycongress story. yeah the numbers weren't great but how is that not a story worthy of front page news?


So my real question is: How does this happen? Advertiser/Owner control? Has there ever been a case where a memo has been leaked where the editor or owner (or whoever) has said "do not cover this" or "cover this but like this".

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yes there has (in response to what you say at the very bottom)


if you havent seen the film already watch Outfoxed by Robert Greenwald. I very strongly believe that all the propagandistic tools they use on Foxnews can be applied to almost any other mainstream news network.


another rule of thumb for the mainstream is media is that since most of them try climbing the ladder for their whole career to get 'access' to important people. You will by the nature of it be far less critical of those important people because you want to maintain access.


reporters in this capacity (embedded with troops or getting exclusive interviews with world leaders or even being let behind the press curtain) all effectively become stenographers who just write down verbatim what 'anonymous sources' or others in the whitehouse want them to say.


the only people they apply the 'journalistic' standard to are people like Julian Assange where they skeptically come at him from every angle possible. This wouldn't be weird or out of the ordinary if they had this level of skepticm towards ever source, but they don't towards their slave masters.


there are several videos that come to mind to help illuminate these kinds of things, ill dig some up. One of them is a bill Moyers interview on Rachel Maddow where he slams MSNBC reporters for employing self censorship because they can 'sense' where the boundaries are merely by watching the way their fellow reporter behaves


the very last part is probably what helps keep everybody in line, self censorship and emulating the behavior of others

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