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Fruits of my labor with goold ole' reason

Guest Shining Rock

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Guest Shining Rock

Greetings all, I'm new to posting on these fine forums, but I've been reading for a while.

Anyway, I wanted feedback (positive/negative criticism, whatever) on these four songs I've made,

mind you these are the best out of many, many doomed 2-bar loops in reason that never made it

past the cutting floor, anyway I've only recently begun making electronic stuff, been a long time fan,

but last year a friend of mine began teaching me how to use reason and so for a little over a semester

I've been fiddling with it.


These are definetely my favs, anyway lemme know what you think and glad to be a part of the forums.




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Guest grasshoppa

dot was cool!!!


reminds me of a happy lovley BODGAN go wild lovley not as much silly lyrics of japanese woman!!!





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Guest silencide

the 4 tracks are a very good job (up-and-coming)!!! Maybe you should increase the sound quality or turn subtractor's controller a little bit more precisely... melody and construction seems to be inspired by FlashBulb. A downloadable version of your "Fruits of labor" could be better for me... maybe only for me... and maybe we can already do it!!!

I hope we can ear more soon ;)

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Guest Shining Rock

Thanks for the kind words everyone!


Yeah I was thinking that same thing, plugexpert I need to spend more time with the more technical sound EQing part, I'm not very familiar with that

side of things, and yes my friend is incredible at reason, I will try to get him to post some of his stuff somewhere.


silencide, can you elaborate on what you mean by subtractor quality? which song(s) did you think needed work? controller meaning frequency or something else?

What's FlashBulb?? and I'm not sure I have more songs but myspace only lets me upload four, and I don't have any webspace I could store files that big I don't think.


Thanks though everyone, really means alot, especially from this forum with all these exceptionally knowledgeable members!


I actually have a couple other songs I've been working on-- it takes me awhile to finish a song, rarely can I make one in one sitting, I usually have to leave it for a while and come back, and then sometimes I'll come back and have no idea what to do with it, sometimes I will, if possible though, I'd like to upload the couple I'm working on...so I could get some feedback, can anyone help me figure out how to host a song somewhere else freely??

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Guest silencide

in fact, i'm just talking about the sound quality in general... but not the poor bitrate of your mp3s :( I'm a Reasoner too :cool: ... The sounds you use here have been eared so many times, i think you can do much more with this little synth... (controller was just the faders & the switchs) But maybe this is what you really want (my opinion is absolutely subjective)


FlashBulb (Benn Jordan) is a great electronic music composer... See albums named "M3" and "red extensions of me"

--> http://theflashbulb.net/index2.html


I think you can create a FTP to host more songs (lycos, yahoo...) FOR FREE!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Shining Rock

I checked out flashbulb, good stuff, crazy ass beast programming, can't listen to it too much or i'll go crazy, thanks to all though for listening to my crappy songs! lately i haven't had any good ideas, like i've made a few little loops i've been meaning to work more on but i never do, i'll try and post 'em and get suggestions on what direction they might go in. thanks all!

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