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poisson process help

Guest Franklin

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dunno if I can tell you anything about it that's insightful to you, all I can think of is this book "adventures in stochastic processes" by Sidney Resnick, while it is intended for students in mathematics it is also filled with funny examples and stories. I can send you a pdf if you want.


Also, I'd like to point out that from a mathematical point of view, streaks WILL always happen even for low probability events.


hey thanks Gordo I would love you to send that pdf!


The one thing that I do understand is that random events DO tend to cluster. I'm reading a book on violence by Pinker right now and he's discussed that at length with lots of interesting examples.




Also, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borel%E2%80%93Cantelli_lemma#Converse_result


And check the infinite monkey problem.

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