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Electro tune


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Thanks Hybernation. I Ilike the vid too. On reflection the bulk of the track though sounds a bit gay and too sparse, though I like the beginning and ending bits without the Jan Hamer Arp.

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Guest Ohshine On

clap is super crisp, and the bass is super wide. great production all around! the bass on its own does get a bit boring. I was thinking some sustained chords would be nice.

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just wanted to echo what's already been said-- great production and sounds but maybe needs more development with arrangement and chords and such. seems like you slapped this together quickly and wanted to know if it's worth pursuing. i say yes.

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Thanks for all your comments. From people much more musically inventive than me.

A rough remix to try to bring out some other flavours (still needs mucho work). Won't spam again until finished. Probably listening to too much joy division.



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