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Android: Netrunner


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I know there's a handful of Netrunner players here. If any of you play on http://www.jinteki.net/, my nick is pinkj if you wanna play with me.

If you don't know what Netrunner is:

'Android: Netrunner is a two-player Living Card Game® set in a dystopian, cyberpunk future where monolithic megacorps own and control the vast majority of human interests.

While corporation players try to score points by advancing their agendas, they have to guard their intellectual properties from the elite and subversive hackers known as netrunners. Netrunners attempt to win the game by stealing the corp's agendas, by any means possible!'


I usually go hardcore playing for a few weeks, then drop off completely for a few weeks, then go hardcore again, then drop, etc. It's the best game I've ever played.

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I've had it for over a year but my girlfriend lost patience quite quickly when we attempted to learn the rules and after watching a few tutorials so did I. Basically I don't have the friends to play this with nor anyone to show an idiot (me) how it's done, may give that website a go if I have another run at it.

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I've had it for over a year but my girlfriend lost patience quite quickly when we attempted to learn the rules and after watching a few tutorials so did I. Basically I don't have the friends to play this with nor anyone to show an idiot (me) how it's done, may give that website a go if I have another run at it.


We can play and I'll show you the ropes to see if you'd like to get into it.

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That's very kind mate but I'm struggling for time at the moment, I'm building a collection of board games so tackling the simpler ones when I'm able but I'll definitely get into it in the future.

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That's very kind mate but I'm struggling for time at the moment, I'm building a collection of board games so tackling the simpler ones when I'm able but I'll definitely get into it in the future.


Understood. I was in the same situation, but then I eventually dropped all the other boardgames I was playing for Netrunner.

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