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Posts posted by Joyrex

  1. On 5/17/2024 at 5:53 PM, chronical said:


    Has this always been a thing? When you hover over someone's account name you can see what they're looking at in real time. Which is honestly pretty weird and intrusive in my opinion.

    It's been this way for years most likely - I would check your User Control Panel and see if there is a setting to turn this off individually. If not, I can see about turning it off group or site wide.

    On 5/17/2024 at 6:12 PM, cern said:

    Yeah that one and "Last profile visitors" Is little bit odd. It would be totally fine with online/offline notice only 

    Again, in place for a long time, and same applies to the above.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 7 hours ago, cruising for burgers said:

    will we ever be able to share stuff from instagram Joysex?

    I think it has to do with Insta not supporting the embedding method commonly used.

    7 hours ago, chronical said:

    please lets just not

    Can't say I don't agree...

  3. On 4/11/2024 at 4:11 AM, user said:

    Literally all images posted by user decibal cooper do not show up for me. Ever. No matter the device. 
    I’ve waited a while before speaking out but I’m tired of scrolling past so many black rectangles. Please advise. 

    ONLY that user, nobody else? Is it possible he's linking images to a site you have blacklisted in your adblocker?

  4. 17 hours ago, zazen said:

    No new Featured Artists since 2011. Thats an interesting thing to ponder. Are we a bunch of old people stuck in a time capsule (yes is a perfectly valid answer to that). Or is there just no one new on the scene who's good in the last 13 years (seems unlikely). Or should we add some new ones (I have no idea who. Aleksi Perala? EOD? Kettel?).


    edit: Idea: Maybe every N years (N=3?) we should have a poll to add a new artist subforum, to keep up with the times?


    17 hours ago, auxien said:

    no, but Joyrex has stated pretty clearly that he is regarding new artist subforums. let’s hope he changes his mind one of these days.

    I’m actually open to the idea, and I think a poll would be the best way to determine which artist(s) would make sense to have a subforum dedicated to them.

    Or, would it make more sense to do away with artist subforums and just have it all freeform?

    • Farnsworth 1
  5. 3 hours ago, Scaramouche said:

    What do you think of the new show? I went in expecting to hate it. I do not! Falling for it quite hard.

    I really like it; I'm old enough to remember the original, so it is interesting the changes in telling the story they made with the modern version.

    • Like 1
  6. 20 hours ago, cruising for burgers said:

    yeah that cookies notification keeps showing up every time I come here even though I already clicked "no"...

    where did my messages about PayPal go? why did u delete them Joysex?

    not just mine... all the messages from other users about paying with card or PayPal are gone...

    What? I didn't delete anything...

  7. On 3/1/2024 at 6:50 PM, luke viia said:

    why does the cookies notification disappear after like 1-2 seconds? no other sites I visit do this. I want to reject these trackers (and I'm assuming sites only offer the option cuz it's legally required? idk though) but it's like trying to catch a fly in my hands 

    That's odd - is that on a desktop browser, or a mobile one? Let me know so I can try and reproduce. Is anyone else having this issue?

  8. On 2/19/2024 at 4:22 AM, o00o said:

    a really nice subscription perk would to have some of the more iconic ones of these: 


    added here: 


    I think I looked into if we can control who gets what Reactions... I don't think we can.

    8 hours ago, cichlisuite said:

    yea, i tried, but it still requires paypal login

    it still requires paypal login. idk, somehow it seems there are numerous online pay intermediaries who just take fees and collect data. fuck that. my bank is more than enough for this. that's my philosophy, anyway. in my heart i'm a dinosaur

    Does your bank support money transfers (here in the States we have something called Zelle) for sending money person-to-person?

  9. 10 hours ago, Stock said:

    This is honestly such a great idea and a good incentive for people to renew their subscription imo. Another way would be to show how many years in a row people subscribed or something like that. It is impressive how it keeps people engaged with streamers for example.

    I can see if this is possible (and the subscriber-only emoji). Good ideas!

    5 hours ago, xy_politics said:

    fixed my sub

    just close the loophole?  see what happens?  let's sort the pHaithful from the pHreeloaderz

    + shane&bob provide an idm scholarship fund, for the truly needy triangular beat herders

    Well, if I do that, a LOT of people would suddenly not be able to post anymore, hence this thread.

    1 hour ago, th555 said:

    I want to mention that completely separate from any consideration of how much it costs there is considerable friction in having to pay, and perhaps more so for some countries. Here in the Netherlands we don't use credit cards much, never had one, also never really used paypal. I have no problem paying 3 euros per year for some weird internet forum but, especially back when I signed up and was younger, sure as hell I was not going to ask my parents to borrow their credit card or link my bank account to paypal.

    So in 2024, how do you pay for things online? Surely you use some form of digital currency, and PayPal does allow payments via debit card (transfers from your bank if you do not have funds). Not sure how that works in the Netherlands though.

  10. So I am considering (and have been for some time) of making the site subscription-only where unless you pay for a subscription, you will only see a limited amount of content (aka a paywall).

    I wish it could be free for everyone, but costs have (and continue) to go up over the years, now costing 100 USD per month to run this forum (thankfully the costs of the forum software is part of that).

    For a long time now (since 2013) all new members have been required to have a subscription, but an old loophole in the forum software allowed paying members whose subscriptions lapsed to continue to access the site.

    I am considering turning this off so if you are not a paying member, you will be limited to how many pages you can view before being presented with a paywall.

    The Google Ads was meant to offset the lack/inconsistency of non-subscribers and has been fine, but of course it donks up the site and in some cases renders it unbrowsable from certain devices. If we go this subscription-only and limited content route, maybe the ads can go away?

    So, I'd like to hear your thoughts - I fully expect to hear a wide range of opinions, so have at it.

  11. 1 hour ago, chronical said:

    Just saying it works on my phone with Brave, with no ads at all. Which I guess is not good news to the site admin, but boy do I despise ads. I guess the silver lining is members should probably turn into some form of knob twiddlers soon, because of the implication

      Hide contents

    (this is a sunny joke I love u joyrex and as soon as im not so broke I want to hand u some dollerinos)


    I understand... I had to resort to ads because subscriptions weren't keeping this place afloat (consistently), and I would love not having to do ads at all again, but that would require everyone who wants to participate to pay something to keep this place alive.

  12. 22 hours ago, Amen Warrior said:

    No Way GIF

    That's your choice... but it may not be a choice for much longer.

    21 hours ago, chronical said:

    Just use Brave on your phone instead of Chrome, will get rid of ads and some tracking IIRC

    Safari too has adblockers... but that won't help with limited access to content for non-subscribers.

  13. On 2/7/2024 at 10:30 AM, Amen Warrior said:

    Anyone else find this site, and just this shit site, crashes their phone?

    Chrome, google pixel something. Started happening ages ago, I just didn't bother saying anything and stopped visiting because it got too annoying.

    But now I have Important Opinions on Squarepusher I'd like to share so fix it now please

    Probably due to all the ads... I would suggest getting a subscription so you don't see them, support the site and have a better browsing experience.

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