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Posts posted by Adieu

  1. rofl stefan molyneux, who is the man pictured there, is a unintellectual hack, appeals to the lowest common dominator, shit-stirrer, who is only interested in promoting himself by aligning himself with what he views as a possible base of supporters. 


    And trump may not be hitler but he is exactly the type of candidate the causes global conflict and fascist policies by encouraging and supporting the worst elements of nationalistic pride and the most base levels of fear and anger.


    While he may not "be" those things, he has said racist things, misogynistic things, etc. etc. 


    he has filed for bankruptcy at multiple companies and he has reportedly done a lot of vicious and awful things with his power.


    definitely not the type of human you want leading a country.


    Not only that but he's not an "outsider" and he brings nothing new to the table. He's the quintessential politician who will say anything that will get him elected.


    He's the illusion of change.

  2. trying to ween myself off klonopin (benzos).. it sucks, constant waking anxiety, bit of panic here and there, tight feeling in my throat.

    could take a year to ween off and then withdrawal symptoms can last another one or two years after quitting.

    fuck the dr. who put me on it.


    damn that's heavy man. Sorry to hear it. Good luck though!


    I read that cold turkey can be dangerous with klonopin. I hope you're staying safe with it.


    coincidentally I hear kratom is decent at helping with symptoms after the actual chemical withdrawal occurs. 

  3. Yeah, I throw a towel over my receiver and play tibetan singing bowls. I often restart it after waking up.




    nice sounds for sleep.


    I have a little device called the Withings Aura, and it connects to radio stations, so I set it to an ambient one and it does a 15 minute routine of shining red spectrum light on me, which is meant to initiate melatonin production and signal the body to sleep. I also set the wake-up routine,  which is a 10 minute process of shining an increasingly bright blue spectrum light as well as playing BBC Radio 3 to gently wake me up in the morning. The blue spectrum light stop melatonin production and helps initiate cortisol production which shocks the body into waking up.


    It also tracks your sleep with an under mattress pad and tells you how many times you woke-up, what levels of sleep you were in and for how long, and other data like your average heart rate and total sleep. Pretty cool device. Especially cool if you're experimenting with variables that may impact your sleep quality.


    (pics are kind of big sorry)





    Eliane Radigue's Jetsun Mila has been my sleep soundtrack for yeeeaarrsss now


    That might be a little droney for my tastes. I wasn't into the ambient music for sleeping thing until recently. I've never wanted to create a direct association with something I might like, but luckily for me the radio station I listen to is random and I have no idea what songs are being played. My friend is kind of weird and plays the same song for the duration of the night but that seems really odd to me.



    its funny, 5 hours is optimal for me recently. any more and i feel groggy for hours. i sleep 2.30 - 8, if i go to bed at even 1 am, i wake up feeling like shite. 



    the groggy thing might just be your body being of sync. The circadian rhythm is very sensitive and in modern life very difficult to get functioning properly due to our environments. I've been tending to sleep too much lately, but I'm really awful at waking myself up unfortunately. 


    Basically for the modern human our body is totally confused as to whether it's day or night, when we should be producing melatonin and falling asleep, if we should be continuing melatonin production, and at what time we should start producing cortisol and beginning the cycle of becoming awake. I think that's why so many people seem to struggle with having proper sleeping hours, "insomnia", etc.

  4. why can't just one of these cunts running for president come out as an atheist, even progressive Jill Stein tip toes around the question wtf come on america its time to evolve 


    ii thought obama was going to come out as atheist during his second turn, the guy still goes to church looool what a joke this guy is too smart to believe in that shit, what is he doing?????


    church is pretty lush minus the dogma. Like, it's so serious and shit and everyone speaks and sings in unison. Sometimes you drink wine and shit. like, I can understand just going. It's what squares do instead of going to concerts or something.

  5. Hey, guys- Can I have some money? For life improvement purposes, that is. Like maybe if I sell a drawing to a thousand WATMM members- for $200 each- I can bank $200,000 and use that towards making some fucking wicked acid lines.


    depends on the quality of the drawing tbqh

  6. Lately I've been sleeping like 5 hours a night. Been trying to ride my bike more often, but it doesn't do much to tire me out enough to get a good night's rest  :catnope:


    for me sleep quality is a function of a few controllable variables:


    1) energy expenditure - working out to some extent throughout the day including a session of stretching

    2) light exposure - turning off lights around the house at least an hour before bed. Limiting or blocking exposure to pc's or phones by turning them off or wearing tinted glasses while I wind down.

    3) how recently I've eaten - can't sleep if I'm hungry but apparently you dont want to eat after 10pm and cutting off food by 7-8 is best.

    4) supplementation - I take melatonin and magnesium and it helps a lot. other things like nighty night tea help too. Epsom salt baths close to bed time help a lot.

    5) mental state - I use headspace to do a 10 minute meditation session and it calms me down a great deal.

    6) not drinking alcohol


    Anyway, if I pay attention to those things sleeping is pretty easy for me.



    There are so many assumptions hidden in what you're saying, though...


    Using solar panels assumes you would own property...what is stopping Google from buying up land and then renting it to people...that is what tends to happen, the monarchy takes your life and then rents you a life...and if you misbehave politically, hey they send dudes to come rip out your solar panels or beat you up...and if you think this violates some non-aggression principle, well what are you gonna do about it?


    Space-x? You think anyone's gonna be thinking about space? People are gonna be thinking about food and violence and how not to get enslaved...this isn't gonna be some beautiful hi-tech world, it's gonna be Dickens with robots and shit...

    There's a lot of assumptions in the things you were saying though.


    like the assumption that having a driver's license makes one a better and safer driver which isn't the case. Having experience driving makes one a better a driver.


    A lot of government regulated things are useless bloat that give the illusion of safety. Like drug laws, and they empower the government and its agents to do things that are manifestly unjust.


    a lot libertarianism is about not empowering a entity that is incapable of being held accountable to wreak havoc on people's lives.


    You say in lieu of government that it would be the rich and powerful, but the rich and powerful already own our government.


    Obviously a totally government free society isn't the answer but our government is nowhere from being ideal

    1) You won't find me defending drug laws and gov't bloat and inefficiency and corruption...these are real problems, as real as they come


    2) so you're saying that since drivers licences are a low standard, therefor we should have no standard? A lot of Libertarian logic seems to have this flavor...e.g. Our current regulation isn't perfect at protecting against pollution etc, therefor the answer is zero regulation...? You're gonna have to explain that to me, because you always point to this magical logic but how would NO regulation be better and safer than SOME?


    3) "not empowering a entity that is incapable of being held accountable to wreak havoc on people's lives"


    That is the joke of it...if you think the American gov't is unaccountable, try living under under a corporate tyranny...free markets create monopolies, we know that...even slightly under-regulated markets do...you will live under a 100% unaccountable corporate tyranny, no voting, no elections, no petitions, nothing...it would be Neuromancer, not Burning Man...



    2) false equivalency


    3)  unless you can see into the future you have no idea what would be. Only what you believe would be. Asserting so is intellectually dishonest.


    The past is only partially relevant to now, because the now is not equivalent to the past.


    You also keep going back to 0 government which i find weird because I just stated I don't believe 0 government is the answer.

  8. There are so many assumptions hidden in what you're saying, though...


    Using solar panels assumes you would own property...what is stopping Google from buying up land and then renting it to people...that is what tends to happen, the monarchy takes your life and then rents you a life...and if you misbehave politically, hey they send dudes to come rip out your solar panels or beat you up...and if you think this violates some non-aggression principle, well what are you gonna do about it?


    Space-x? You think anyone's gonna be thinking about space? People are gonna be thinking about food and violence and how not to get enslaved...this isn't gonna be some beautiful hi-tech world, it's gonna be Dickens with robots and shit...


    There's a lot of assumptions in the things you were saying though.


    like the assumption that having a driver's license makes one a better and safer driver which isn't the case. Having experience driving makes one a better a driver.


    A lot of government regulated things are useless bloat that give the illusion of safety. Like drug laws, and they empower the government and its agents to do things that are manifestly unjust. 


    a lot libertarianism is about not empowering a entity that is incapable of being held accountable to wreak havoc on people's lives. 


    You say in lieu of government that it would be the rich and powerful, but the rich and powerful already own our government.


    Obviously a totally government free society isn't the answer but our government is nowhere from being ideal

  9. What does that mean, exactly? "Open Source" is a great solution for some things, but you can't have people on the Internet crowdsource solutions if Google or Verizon or whoever in the chain decides to selectively block or filter things based on political or economic motivations...you need a government to protect against Rupert Murdoch buying all the communication utilities


    from what understand all of tesla's inventions are open source and free to use along with all the solar energy stuff. not sure about space-x

  10. When you think of Libertarianism, don't *merely* imagine an Orwellian boot stomping a face...imagine child prostitutes on every Dickensian corner...if you're not born to parents that can afford an education for you, then go fuck yourself...you'll make a great worker in my sweatshop...that is, if you're not killed by a drunk un-licensed driver...and this is a world lousy with Polio and AIDS and Ebola....who the fuck is gonna deal with big-picture epidemiology shit? The imaginary fucking hand isn't...who's gonna risk studying Polio for 10 years in a world with no intellectual property? If you find a cure, I'm just gonna immediately copy it and make it cheaper...yay freedom!


    elon musk seems to think that open source is a good idea

  11. moved from the other thread where it didn't belong...


    I think you're mistaking who're the totalitarians here caze. It's difficult and a long winded process to convince those that have effectively been conditioned by cult programming though, so i don't want to get in to it with you, cause i just post things at 10 and you need to start things off at a .025 and be edged back to the light.

    no, you're the one mistaking who they are. oddly there are even some libertarians who seem to be supporting Trump (most of them are not dumb enough thankfully, and might spoil the election for the republicans by voting for Johnson in swing states instead), not realising he's the antithesis of a libertarian: he doesn't believe in the free market, he believes in protectionism, he loves eminent domain, wants to massively increase the military budget, doesn't want to decriminalize drugs, wants significant barriers to immigration, advocates committing war crimes (including deliberately bombing civilians, murdering the families of jihadists, and torturing people), wants to expand government surveillance programs, wanted Apple to cave to the FBI's requests to create backdoors for government uses, wants to beef up libel laws (mostly so he can sue people who point out what a cunt he is), panders to the social conservatives on every issue (I think he's probably fairly socially liberal in person - really he's an authoritarian big government Democrat, an ignorant, misogynistic, racist one - but as a president he won't, and can't, be socially liberal).


    a large section of his support comes from white supremacists and neo nazis, I really don't know how you could possibly fail to realise this. Clinton recently called half of his support deplorable, she was wrong, it was actually 42%: http://www.electoral-vote.com/evp2016/Pres/Maps/Sep12.html#item-2. his running mate just the other day refused to call former leader of the KKK David Duke a deplorable individual. you're on the same side here as actual nazis.




    You can tell from Trump's body composition that his health is not great. Also balding is partially a metabolic problem and vertex balding is correlated to increased risks for many diseases. People are not even informed enough to properly interpret people's medical information anyhow. For instance, Hillary's low functioning thyroid is actually indicative of a serious dysfunction of the body, but people don't understand this. Doctors will just prescribe synthetic thyroid hormone instead of attempting to improve thyroid hormone secretion.

    Drug that bitch, prop her up with a pole down the back of her pantsuit, and let her mop the floor with old orangeface. She can push through a few years of Presidential b.s., we can elect Obama again in 2020.



    I don't think we will be able to reelect obama lol


    I mean I agree though. you can definitely make it through 4 years on a medical cocktail. She should already be taking stem cells, fecal transplants, and blood replacement therapy.

  13. You can tell from Trump's body composition that his health is not great. Also balding is partially a metabolic problem and vertex balding is correlated to increased risks for many diseases. People are not even informed enough to properly interpret people's medical information anyhow. For instance, Hillary's low functioning thyroid is actually indicative of a serious dysfunction of the body, but people don't understand this. Doctors will just prescribe synthetic thyroid hormone instead of attempting to improve thyroid hormone secretion.

  14. She really does have Parkinson's or some other neurological disorder though. Yes, it's true and It's fucking creepy actually.


    I didn't watch the video which I'm assuming you're referring to, but tbh I don't think you can make any kind of determination that someone has parkinsons based on observations unless they are shaking regularly.


    Some people have a tendency to faint more easily and often than others.


    There are numerous examples of male presidents tripping, falling, fainting, puking, etc. while serving in their positions. 


    An old lady who is working very hard getting faint every once in a while is not a concern to me.

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